Is the Winchester M1907 and SKS-30 too OP?

IDK, I feel like Enlisted is adding too powerful weapons recently.
Winchester M1907 has like no recoil, adequate damage and high magazine capacity. In my opinion it is better than the Farquhar Hill.

The SKS-30 is practically a direct upgrade to the SVT-38, and possibly better than the SVT-40 if I’m not mistaken.

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They certainly are very good, perhaps even best in their BR. That said; I think “OP” is an overstatement.

First off, while they may perform well, they don’t aim themselves, or anything, so their performance is still capped by the skill of the user. Second; there is a hard limit of four per player.


It seems Darkflow thinks that in order for event weapons to be worthwhile they need be better than progression weapons of the same BR which is a very dangerous loop hole which will result in more and more powercreep as the time goes on.

A weapon doesnt necessarily need to be OP, just interesting or unique in some way (like swordpistol or pederson device).


The former is very easy to deviate from the ballistic trajectory at medium and long distances, and the back seat prevents it from being as highly stable at close range as VG15.
And his sights are terrible.

The only reason I’d use him is because it’s better than the Garand when I stick it in someone’s face and shoot.
There are only 2 of the latter
You can only get the remaining 2 from random boxes and future activities that torture players.

So they cut the rewards in half to torture players better.
It’s very draining when you’re expending the same amount of effort but getting less reward than before.

They don’t seem particularly OP to me. Good and useful, yeah. But nothing that fundamentally changes the meta or can’t be overcome by a good ol fashioned pull of the trigger

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“In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”

Semis are still the weakest weapon type. Plus these weapons are limited in numbers.


I like the Garand, but it has to much recoil, especially compared to the Winchester. DF should consider lowering it a little then the Winchester would be insignificant.

And if you want a good one you have to buy it, and in limited supply. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

semi autos aren’t the worse weapon type too, that would be shotguns and pistols especially at the lower brs where semi autos allows you to quickly engage multiple targets

Hear hear! Gimme some RANGE on that shotgun

Sorry that I left out gimmick weapons.

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It has the heaviest recoil of all tier 3 semi-automatic weapons.

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Unfortunate ain’t it?

What? how can I on minimalist can see better when aiming with that gun

Pistols at lower BR rip lol, specially the Hi-Power lol

Isn’t SKS-30 stripper clip fed?

It’s basically a variation of VG 1-5, I honestly don’t see it as super strong. It can be fun…but doesn’t like to be spam fired like the VG 1-5 and is too inaccurate and weak to use it as an actual semiauto rifle

The thing with the M1907 is that it takes 2 shots to kill almost always, but at the same time the garand feels so wack that the M1907 is better.