Is the Tiger E tank worth picking up?

Is the Tiger E tank worth picking up in Normandy with a gold order? Or is it bugged out in any way?

Avoid picking up tanks in Normandy you won’t last long especially as Germans.


it is worth


I got the Tiger E with a gold, i think it ok, certainly helped lvl the squad upgrades. :smiley:
But it can have its barrel taken out, making it useless, unless you get out, and repair,
which other tanker is waiting for you to do such a thing, press J, then only, you pop out, to repair, so whole squad don’t die, while trying to repair.

Yes. But remember you need to have the squad that has the tiger unlocked first(aka level 31)


Well technically, you can still grab it, just not be able to use, till lvl 31 :smiley:


Tiger is pretty strong, however I would pick a panther instead, tho its gun is much weaker in general, it will enable you to “sometimes” penetrate

or he can aim for machine gun port and always penetrate :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been using the panther for a while. I haven’t been too impressed; I was expecting a lot more. It doesn’t seem to penetrate other tanks very well. Plus it’s kind of slow—moving & reloading.

Thanks for the reminder; it’s actually level 36, and I do have it unlocked.

Thanks for the heads up; the tanks in this game are pretty weak & wonky. But, I’m starting to get used to them. I figured the extra armor would help keep me alive a bit longer from infantry attacks.

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Is lvl 31 :smiley:
(the gold Tiger) can be first used, when you get the Panther A, at lvl 31
lvl 36 Tiger ,is when you get it, for free in game :smiley:

And so question is, do you want 2x Tigers, or 2x Panthers :stuck_out_tongue:

tiger blocks everything frontally except 76w and planes. when i played tiger my opposition was mostly low level american tanks that i mostly one shotted. jumbo is first obstacle that you cant easily kill, but you just need to aim for mg port. rest of the 76w tanks (all after jumbo+firefly) are easily killed, just that they can kill you also. so it is mostly battle of who spots who first.

but i think you will have more problem with american planes rather than tanks.

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How it’s much weaker lol. You one shot more tanks with the Tiger 1 than with the Panther wich has less penetration and aoe damage.

In reality the 75mm of the Panther is better than the 88mm of the Tiger 1, but we are in Enlisted, not in reality and the German 75mm canons are nerfed because apes.

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In Berlin the Panther is basically useless, in normandy however it indeed has the power to penetrate the Jumbos turret, which can be helpful

Tiger will be always better than Panther, it has actuall reverse speed (not reverse sloweness). So Tiger can way better dodge bombs and EPs.

If the skin is worth? I don’t know. I rather bought standard dark grey + some decals. It’s just matter of subjective opinion.

Actually depends on who is actually controlling the skies and hope there’s no one with a 17pdr on the lineup. If conditions met, Tiger E dominates the battlefield with Stuarts and Scotts just explode with the 88.

The tiger will have better he then panther while panther has more penetration, you can angle tiger but not panther so if angles correctly ( 30 degrees or so) it has very strong armor, I prefer tiger since the he is stronger snd you deal with infantry mostly but panther is better for armor. Both get destroyed by air rho

Dark grey tank skins are pretty OP, since they look like already destroyed tanks.

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It’s enough for only one P38 which is an early unlock. Since people have learned about P38 power against tanks you are literally dead after couple of kills you make.


I guess it depends on who’s on the battlefield. I’ve had games with the Panther & the H where I’ve gotten between 100—200 kills. Others I’ve been smashed almost immediately, as you’ve described. That’s when you switch up to a different squad.

problem is with f2p players that dont have a choice of bringing both tank and p38 to battle. there are often battles where you only have players with tanks and/or incompetent plane players.