Seems the small ammo pouch basically holds so few rounds its more advantageous and sensible to take a Grenade Pouch or a backpack ??
Seems the small ammo pouch basically holds so few rounds its more advantageous and sensible to take a Grenade Pouch or a backpack ??
depends on how long you survive if you are a good rifleman then go for ammo if you die quickly go for grenades backpack is for more medikit
My problem is I like the Gewehr 43
And I enjoy even if only 1 round will do when a bad guy is running to fire 3 then if a bad guy is in a window I like to unload a 10 rounder to suppress em. I like the thing cause if fire so fast right out of the box.
The M1 Garand got me into trouble too with ammo shortages.
I do usually have an engineer lying around somewhere and they build me an ammo crate.
Maybe one day with the large backpack we can mix and match stuff. But I’m afraid if they get it to where people can carry a lot of grenades that will be a huge mistake.
ammo crates
bolt-action rifles are much more useful at long distances semi-autos are suitable for medium range, close range and are much easier to use with tier 2 troops instead of tier 1
Small backpack is a nice boost. Grenadepouch gives 2 grenades which makes it great in my book. 10% ammo is nothing.
In those early levels I invest in grenades. Later on I invest in the 4 slotter backpacks and the 100% ammo pouches. The 2 grenades are still good late on but the 10% ammo you will never use again and is lost. From 2 to 3 grenades is ok but 4 medkits and 100% ammo is a bigger upgrade.
I like the small ammo pouch for my Gunner guys; until, I can get the large ammo pouch. Everyone else gets Grenade pouches.
I do have at least 1 Engineer in each of my squads though.
these times nobody bothers take one engy in squad.
I always take one :3
I use a full one squad of engi
for personal experience, as a G43 Addicted, ( weird, i know )
i run with the small pouch on everyone that uses the g43.
so, the answer to the question is, yes.
you gets alot of rounds. and once you start using it like a boltaction ( where you aim and actually try to use 1/2 bullets per soldier instead of spraying and praying ) it’s very helpfull.
the huge ammo pouches i would tipically use it on MMGs, FGs, and perhaps every automatic weapon.
because ammo goes quite quickly with those weapons.
weather for semi auto rifles, i would give them simpler small pocuhes. due to the lack of ammo compared the ones that they initially gives you.
weather for bolt acton and assaulters, i personally give them grenade pocuhes. because with the bolt action rifle, you can actually kill enough people and grab/refill your ammo.
weather for enginners, just give them big backpack and fill them with medkits to me " the medic of the squad " and/or tool boxes to help friendly tankers.
but that’s up to you.
i hope this can answer ^^.
Yeah ammo crates
Im so dense the other day I figured out a guy no my squad could give me ammo today I figured out due to this comment a guy on my squad could heal me … and I have been playing a long long time. I never use the stupid ALT order things but seems I should use them … .