ok so,
if you don’t care about the price ( which it is rather expensive for what offers and if you don’t have the sherman, you can buy the one from gold orders fully upgarded for less ) , and like to timetravelling and looking for a (down)sidegrade,
then yeah, it’s the best tank for you.
just like @38883009 said, which it’s correct, it’s similar to an M5 with a better gun.
although, don’t expect to slam everything you encounter. because just like with the m5, you have to flank. which it’s something that you can’t always do in half of the maps.
nontheless, still a great tank.
here are the differences in stats ( if you care ) between an upgraded m24:

and here, an fully upgraded M5:

there aren’t many differences outside the armor.
the m24 can get penned everywhere.
as a german player my self, i encountered around 30 m24s since it camed out, and usually they never bounced any shells from german tanks.
but, at the bright side, has better weapons compared to the M5s. giving you less struggles to deal with german armors.
so, it’s your call ^^.
timetraveling ( i guess it’s a pro thing. because the m24 saw only normandy AFTER the landings when operation market garden started, november. )
unique tank ( probably more for the " collector Part" )
unique skin ( although does not have markings unfortunately… nor insignas. perhaps will be introduced when cosmetic shop will be a thing )
better weapons compared to the M5 & M8
Thin Armor
Same Speed of M5s and M8s
Wider Shape ( making it a bit easier to take out )
Crumpted Crew / Low survivability ( one shot can take out majority of the crew and therefore cripple severaly your performances )
so yeah, it’s obviously not a " brawl " tank and must be played like a puma ( ideally ) waiting for the target, side shoot him, and relocate after each shot.
so once again, it’s your call.
i don’t really hate this tank, but the price is not justified. especially for a downgrade. and it’s weird this one said from me ( since i’m the first asking for glass wagons to be introduced such as the halftracks sdkfz 251s with anti tank weapons ) but for a light tank, 40 euros are too much.