Is the golden KV1 worth it post-merge?

kv1 is solid, but it’s tier III vehicle

you’ll have to consider that you’ll be facing tigers, panthers and occasionals panzer IVs ( unless you get thrown in low br )

which, it’s able to deal with most of the thing that faces, but you’ll have to go for disabling shots or flank heavier targets such as tiger IIs or Is and panthers.

i’m not sure if the kv1 is capable of destroying tiger’s II cupolas like US tanks.

i know you can with 75s and 85s… on the other hand on the kv1… i have my doubts.

beside anti-tank capabilities, it’s great against infantry and prolly one of he best anti infantry HE due to being relatively fast and a big radious as long you hit directly other infantry with HE directly.

the mg is tad slow, and damage low.

as it goes for anti tank weapons on said kv, it can sustain damage if angled, but voulnerable on flat surfaces.

i wouldn’t personally use it as a bralw tank unless in down tier, but best for lobbin he on points and flank bit cats on secondary routes.

but the call is yours.

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It says “punch a nazi” on it, of course it’s worth it

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Even T-34-85 have only around 100+mm pen, short 76mm Zis5(I guess) which on KV 1, I absolutely sure that’s it is can’t.

About topic in general. Some axis main on russian forum complaining that’s KV 1 have broken dmg model and AT mines/TNT are useless against him. So it’s a good point to use it.

i literally did it a couple of days ago.

so idk what you are whinging about.

it absolutely can. ( with the 85 )

regarding the 76, as stated:

Pure nonsense. Just place tnt in front of its turret. That’s basically guaranteed kill.

Btw, this tactic works against nearly every tank.

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Sooooo… WHAT?

I literally done this with T-34-85 few times. And I wasn’t talking that’s t-34-85 can’t destroy Tigle2 in commander hatch

I mean…

Of course, she is too obsessed with Germans…
and I have never encountered KV 1 at all while playing Germans 2 br. So I personally refer to a dubious source, nothing more.

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I understand you wanted to provide some useful tips and so.
But from my experience, it’s simply not true. You just need to know where to place TNT.

I meant more AT mines and explosion packs. TNT are just different thing.

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me? obsessed with germany?

sure thing buddy

Come on Erica, come on darling, get some sleep.
I never said that you were obsessed with Germans(like she is having some mental problems with that). It was about Adelheid from the Russian part, who considers herself an Austrian and is incredibly obsessed with Germans, but apparently knows only russian language. Because I don’t see any reason why she can’t going to EU part if she is austrian.

Although I expected such a misunderstanding anyway. This usually happens with a sleepy/tired attitude.

as long she is not an australian painter too, we’re good :sweat_smile:

beside, sometimes it’s difficult getting the messages across due to barrier language difficulties.

although you wouldn’t have been the first to assume that " she’s obsessed with germany ".
inspite… of my actual name, and outer appearace of a profile picture, i can assure you, i’m not a german main.

just want to point that out.

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Well, judging by her behavior, she may well belong to art, so… perhaps there is still a chance for a der Vierte Reich.

Yes, I like this excuse xD

Yeah, I’m not lazy enough not to read your profile description at least once in 2-3 years. Besides, in almost 3 years I don’t remember you doing/saying anything of what mains do. So there’s literally no reason for me to consider you a main. Especially since I remember how fiercely you were against Tiger 1 in Normandy.

In any case, this is unlikely to help against those who came here for a couple of weeks.

that’s no exscuse.

perhaps it’s me, but it’s really hard to understand what you type sometimes.

( no fault of your own either, we could, and should get better tools for translations, but we dont )

sure… from someone who kept asking through dms about my own pictures and the reason behind, you can go with your own narrative.

but, at least i apreciate the recognition regarding some of my stances.

you never know :eyes:

it’s the L-11 which has ~75mm of pen max


Yea, I was talking about this. MG nest and Commander hatch have 100mm, even sides 80mm. So it’s mean kv useless against second tiger.

Wtf is going on in this thread

Anyways, I bought the KV-1. It was a good purchase. Pretty decent against infantry and very good against low tier german tanks. Essentialy anything with a “short” gun won’t be able to pen it (Not sure about Panzer III N tho.)

Blockquote you’ll have to consider that you’ll be facing tigers, panthers and occasionals panzer IVs ( unless you get thrown in low br )

luckily I seem to only get down-tiered (I imagine because most players play BR2). Though if I were to get up-tiered the KV-1 would most certainly be obsolete. The L-11 cannon can only pen about 76mm upclose (according to War Thunder) so it really can’t do anything against the big cats except Panther from the side and Tiger I if you hit it on the lower side panel between tracks (if you even manage to get that close). Tiger II though is out of the question; might as well leave the tank and go on as a normal squad


i fucked up the quote, how tf do i use this shit lmao

It should look like this.

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I think i got it thanks :grinning:

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