Is the dev team going to update without a substantial teaser file?

I would recommend people just make sure they have unlocked all the weapons/tanks/planes/squads which they need before the big progression system update. Obviously nobody knows if this is it NOW or if it will be still days or weeks away (even months?).
A good tip for relatively new players-
Due to the exponential amount of xp required to unlock levels -
It’s far more efficient (in xp) to unlock the first few levels of each campaign faction which you’re interested in, than try to grind through just 1 campaign faction to a higher level.
Certain campaigns have earlier unlocks than others for the same items.
Here’s a couple of examples for US/GB Allies -
Earliest unlock in a campaign -
M1 Garand (semi-auto rifle) - Normandy level 7
(Pacific level 13, Tunisia level 25).
Browning MG (best US MG) - Pacific level 7
(Normandy level 19, Tunisia level 29)

After the update it’s very likely that the amount of xp required to unlock items will be an average of the xp required previously across all campaigns where that item was available.
For example - the M1 Garand could require the equivalent xp as getting to level 15 (or even higher) wheras right now you can unlock it much earlier than that in Normandy.

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Philosophically speaking:

Are you familiar with the life cycle of video games?
With only a finite number of customers available, the video game industry finds themselves in a fierce marketplace amongst a plethora of competitors and upcoming gaming companies.
As technology is constantly updating, upgrading, and changing… the only ones who survive, are the companies that create exceptional games that are appealing to hundreds of thousands and/or millions of players.

After a period of time, any gaming company that makes a series of blunders and fails to create or maintain an appealing product that satisfies both the players and the financial goals of the owners of the company (and the investors)… The owners will pull the plug on a video game, and either liquidate the assets or allocate them to new projects. And the company’s employees are reassigned elsewhere (maybe even laid off).

Money is the bottom line. And the day that enough people become disinterested in Enlisted, and move on to newer and better titles… is the day that the owners/investors decide to unplug the game by introducing game-breaking updates that make online play impossible. (In the past decade, how many phenomenal games have died?)

Oh… but this will never happen to this game, right?
I wonder how many people have spent/invested $250 into premium products sold within this game?
I wonder how may people have spent $500?
How many have spent over $1,000?
What about $1,500?
Is there anyone who’s spent over $2,000 within Enlisted, for premium units/vehicles?

Imagine how upset these high dollar $$$ players are going to be, the day this game becomes unbearable and/or unplayable?

-Are you confident with the direction Enlisted is heading?
-Are you confident that the new BR system, and campaign merging will generate a higher player base, and satisfy the needs of the paying customers? (thus extending the lifespan of the game)
-Are you confident that the long list of bugs and mechanical issues are going to be fixed anytime soon?
-Are you confident that people will be willing to pay even more to play this game, after it was announced that there’s going to be price-increases?
-Are you confident that new players are going to pick up this game, and find is so appealing that they will invest hundreds or thousands of dollars in order to compete with P2W players?

Anyways. Have a good one :v:



df hide alot, moslty without apparent reason. think of the countless ninja patches

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I already did that, Berlin first 9 lvl are a must for both Germany and Red Army.

Just infrastructure update, nothing much to see/discuss here.


Infrastructure update?
As in behind the scenes crap
Or server improvement?


just infrastructure update yes just ignore any possible bodies being shoved underneath the carpet will never find again

We knew the game would not be the same.


A few people laughed,


a few people cried,


most people were silent.



If they are doing what they are saying it should just be some cleaning, but its anyone’s guess.

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At this point I’m taking everything dark flow does with a grain of salt

sounds like Gaijin isn’t paying them enough for that lack of manpower they have. honestly, I wish SONY Playstation bought out Gaijin and everything with it, but keep stuff multiplatform, this would also give Sony something as a way to compete against the Call of Duty buyout…

hope so
but The last major base database file update (I forget how many G’s it was in the update package) was the announcement that accompanied the other changes (the announcement didn’t explain the base database file changes to players).
like the updata:

And this time, the announcement only explained that it was a simple database update. Or at such a sensitive time. And DF tends not to announce many changes in the past many updates, such as: some new fixes, resurrecting already fixed bugs , and adding new bugs.
Or maybe the concern is based on a lack of trust

I say let em cook, but if they burnt the food then it would be nice if they said something instead of waiting for the fire alarm to go off.


Lol, any source? The helper below already confirm it is an infrastructure update, so stop your conspiracy theory.

Lol, that is you being oversensitive. You just assume that dev will begin the economy rework without any proof. Even a database update may lead to an update, there is a battlepass update that will begin when the battlepass end. Why you don’t assume that first?

24th July but he haven’t specified a year so have fun waiting 50 years for the new news about the merge


Put away your stupid brain and ignorant tongue, your arrogant forehead and blind eyes.
You’re the one who keeps assuming, without any basis, that “developers are omniscient and omnipotent, and will not let the playerbase cause damage”. Look at how many people in the English and Russian forums stand with you, look at how many are worried and how many are playing other games as a spectator.

Like the other time when the server shut down for updata, the only banter in the forums was about the hamster server and the potato server.
And nowadays? What’s the problem? It’s the dev team’s fault. Not the assistants, moderators and alpha members.
Assistants like james, and even some of the admins of the forums, as well as some of the members of the Arda team, are honourable, but they are also part of the wider playerbase, and while they are assisting the developers, events like the previous aircraft mount adjustments and so on have shown that they are similarly being forced to use their eyes and vocal cords in the same way that they are being restrained by the developer’s restrictions.
You can go to them and ask them to prove my examples false.
Then go find real examples of your your ridiculous wild beliefs.
As far as I know many times players own legitimate and reasonable interests that have been fought for from the dev team by the worldwide playerbase itself. Even since the days of crowdfunding.
Your narrow mindedness and poor reading skills can’t even see the question mark in my statement and my expectation that “no significant change will occur” in the maintenance of the downtime.


Today, War Thunder also announced server maintenance at the same time. I think this is the kind of thing that will give players a sense of security.(on steam)
This is later than yesterday’s official announcement from the enlisted community, and the time of the posting and main discussion of this thread. Based on comparing our enlisted forum’s announcement to the War Thunder forum’s announcement, ours was posted over 2 hours earlier.
(on enlisted)
(on war thunder)

And there’s no such thing as a “extra ps” pictures

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I never said this.
In the other hand, it is you keep blaming the dev when something haven’t been released yet.
You are the one who keep assuming that dev can’t do anything.

Lol unrelated stuff.

LOL, if you don’t have such assumption, you won’t ask such question.

Lol you previous said that is not downtime for maintenance. Now, you say maintenance of the downtime. Please make up your mind, what is this exactly? And I don’t see the no significant change will occur stuff? At least you didn’t mentioned it on the main topic.