An open discussion indeed. Now I’m thinking how it would have been if Enlisted had refused the free game option, and everything would have been fully monetized. Maybe (this is rhetorical), we would have a fully functioning game mechanism, when there is simply no rush to get income as quickly as possible, but every element of the game would be worked out, tested, balanced? Oh well …
It just feels like they don’t even bother to wait a little longer to release a new campaign so that at least it “looks” like something is being done a little more for the game. Because now, everything is very simple. Campaigns, premium squads, experimental toys are thrown as quickly as possible, and everything is forgotten just as quickly. What an injustice it was when the Stalingrad campaign was released, with promised beautiful things but left forever.
Anyone who has been around since the alpha or beta period must remember that good gut feeling when the Moscow campaign was just being tested. It looked like Enlisted would be a gamechanger in the WW2 shooter market. Now we see that the priority is money and the game is just a platform.
Maybe I’m just old and don’t understand something, but Pacific looks super rushed, just why?
Every progression change has been a downgrade from the CBT gacha model where it’s slower and slower to encourage more spending. As well premium squads are getting ridiculously overpriced.
Even paying premium I feel like I’m getting shorted.
Small improvement would be to include gold and/or premium time with premium squad purchases.
I’m not sure if it’s intentional or not but I don’t have the CQB pass or whatever and I still get like 2 levels in the campaign per match. So I’m not too angry but at the same time I’m progressing so fast I can’t keep up with the silver weapon orders lol.
Maybe, rhetorically, had we had a pay to play model, this game would be completely abandoned alongside almost every other paid title of similar age… But it’s hard to even conceptualize, the entire gameplay loop would need to be different. I guess the campaigns could be released as expansions, but that’d run into the same issues. The game is already on the older side, further development needs some type of financing.
Regarding rushed campaigns and poor decisions relating to premium content, it moreso indicates that they are having trouble keeping players hooked. Improvements are made to all game aspects, but they arrive slowly compared with new content.
As things are now, releasing new content so you are never “maxed” IS the gameplay loop. Matches feel rewarding because you progress in various ways. But you hit a ceiling, and then what?
HG used the war map to alleviate this, each battle affecting the war. We need something like that. A true endgame. Then they could probably get away with focusing on troubleshooting, but people NEED to be playing regardless of new content, or that is impossible.
They released it 13 days before the end of the current battle pass, which makes no sense. I think it was accidentally released. There’s almost zero advertisement too, which is absurd for a huge update like adding the Pacific front.
pay to play model would probably never work. you would need finished product, and then it would just become something like x video game series… release buggy mess and then patch it for next 2-3 years for decent game.
with freemium model they can have incremental development alongside wide bug testing without players being upset cause they didnt get full game when they paid for it. but then again they have over priced premium squads compared to similar games.
biggest problem i see in this game is that it is 10-15 years lagging behind other similar games. for “MMO” it is pathetic to see 10v10 games, considering that battlefield had 64 players for 20 years and they only market themselves as multiplayer fps. planetside 2 is real MMO fps and it is some 8 years old and can host 100+ player battles on multiple locations on same server.
This is the end result of the current level tree and unrestricted game,.
I once suggested adding the spawn Score System to limit and enrich the player’s choice, many people objected.
So what is the end result of the unrestricted? Now, They couldn’t even add the Stug A to the current Moscow campaign, so they made it a premium vehicle, even at a high price, unacceptable
is sliding into an abyss where game content cannot be added in the right way,
A mod editor might save this, but there’s still a lot of work to be done by the dev team
The development team is really working hard, they have added a lot of game content, but these game content cost the development cost but cannot be widely used by players, and potential consumers such as me are also unable to pay these fees most of the time
This new release was so bad my friends have now uninstalled… I cannot continue to play the game as its not fun enough alone. Truly frustrating how bad Gaijin did again.
Yes this update has been rough around the edges but I’ve still been enjoying the new campaign. And even though the road this game has been following has been a little rocky, I’ve still been satisfied with the game through and through
This game slowly gets better and grows, little by little; and I’m personally happy with it
This is me just personally complaining but getting stomped by premium americans in the pacific campaign is just digusting. I get it you need money but to make playing so much more painful for the free players is sad.
Imo the update should have come with the new battlepass.
Not only would that prevented some bugs, but we would have also get some gold oder shit and more orders for the new campaign. I liked that back in SG.
You made a lot of good points. But the point, the main key point, should be the development and improvement of the existing elements in the game, taking into account player feedback, using the same financial resources for which new “candy” is thrown now, so that, as you mentioned, “players are hooked”.
In other words, it is a lazy business model that has apparently worked, which is why there is no longer an effort to fundamentally change something, even though the approach was different at the very beginning. This is exactly why players get bored when this whole thing is just copy-paste.
Personally, in general, I would like to have just one big campaign, with sub-categories that are constantly improved, looking for a synergy between arcade and realism.
As for H&G, well… It was a phenomenal game for its time, unmatched. But the old RETO guardians destroyed that game, for the same reason. Didn’t listen to the players and didn’t manage to use the available resources.