Is RMN 50 worth to buy when it return?

Cause personally (since I have one) it is pretty good and less buggy than rifle grenade of course the downside is it a single shot but idk I feel a bit conflicted tbh. So anyone opinion on this?

If you are talking about the Soviet exclusive golden weapon grenade gun
He is out of print

Yes, I believe there is a glitch with it to let you keep refilling ammo as well.


Yea I know it gone I’m just asking if it worth it when it return

Oh that is news to me

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Maybe it’s not a malfunction
Because his main ammunition is grenades
Only monkeys would be unable to resist weapons that are slow to reload and easily kill the user.

RMN is very good (I bought four), very useful in urban warfare.

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That weapon is cursed and Germans need their own counter version of that weapon

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I bought two a long time ago and still use them in my tier 5 loadout, very good at clearing hallways. So yeah, I’d say it’s worth it.


One of my regrets is not getting more of them. RMN + large ammo bag = fun.

Is a meme gun, with the constant explosive bugging out nowadays, hell no, but is the only unique soviet GO though other are generic shite that the normal unlock are just better

I bought two of them and now they are very scary in the BR3 game.
It can be picked up after the death drop, so you have unlimited use of it.
On many occasions, it has the power to destroy one or two squads at a time.

it is a meme gun. it is mostly useless in 90% of the game, but in those 10% it is simply beautiful. specially when you find the spot where enemy keeps coming and you keep grenading them for multi kills.

also dont ever let bot have it in primary weapon slot cause it will kill you more often than enemy.