Is ok to desert a battle when:

you have to leave because of irl stuff or whatever something important.

a bug/glitch is happening that wont let you experience the game in a good way, for example, a hud bug, a bug that wont let you use weapons effectively, etc.

deserting all maps your pc cant handle, because well, is too much, even at shit settings, if my pc is acting ass because of a certain map, im leaving, im not gonna torture myself in 5 fps hell, yes ive tried lowering settings, no they dont do jack shit.

deserting a battle because of a map/mode you dont want to play on, for example, the disgusting dday, train escort game mode :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:, etc.

also, do not say im evil or bad or whatever the hell, is a game for fucks sake, not a sport, so what if my team has 1 less human, is a game ffs, not a SPORT, also, games are meant for fun, so im gonna play for fun, im NOT gonna torture myslef, and time is VERY important to me, since i value it a LOT, so ofc im not gonna waste my time and torutre myself on some ass map, I WILL NOT PLAY DDAY (unless is lowkey fun fr)

any more things that are also valid to deserting games?


Its ok to do it without having to justify yourself.

Its a game, if you need to do something IRL you just punch out. If you are not enjoying the scenario, or just want to rage quit, then do it, but what you shouldn’t be doing in my opinion, is floating justification posts that just open you up to trolling from the virtue signalling mob.

I personally don’t care if ppl quit, its a game, just get over it.


Ultimately, you do you.

Personally, I don’t like deserting. I’d rather stick out a losing battle than to be declared a deserter. Especially now I’m “joining any battle” for the extra XP. :slight_smile:


ikr, i just want to give genuine good reasons, and ofc as i said earlier, WHEN I DONT HAVE FUN, i LEAVE

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I don’t need your reasons.

As @LokalHero put it nice and concisely - “you do you”

The game offers plenty of incentives to stick around, and if you don’t care for those then what does it matter anyway.


This is pretty much the only valid reason. Life comes before games every time
Other than that, there’s no excuse you can make that I will respect

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Your’re assuming ppl care what you think.

Does quitting degrade the overall game experience overall ? - Yes, but this is not unique to Enlisted.

Should players be encouraged to stick it out irrespective of the emerging outcomes ? - that depends on where you place the value of the investment of time - is it about the team or the individual player or flipping it around is it about the individual players that make up the team or the individual who wants to enjoy the game on their own terms.

There is no right or wrong here its just a matter of perspective and where ppl’s values on this sit.

The “game perspective” is that is requesting you to stick it out, and they are offering effectively Silver and XP incentives for you to commit to it.

If you don’t care for those, then its just down to whether you respect other player’s time input to create an opportunity of enjoyment for you. If you’re like @LokalHero , or arguably yourself, and I am of the same opinion btw, then you will stick it out irrespective of the outcome.
For others who just look at the time they have available to play vs reward (both emotional and resource) from the game for the time sunk, they may take a different route.

Irrespective of that its their choice, its a game, we just need to move on and focus more on game design choices, rather than ranting about things that there is absolutely no control over.

And just to add, lock outs are as dumb as it gets, because whether the player quits or is locked out the endstate is the same - they’re not playing the game. At least if they quit and re-queue, there are some other randomly MM’d players who will enjoy the benefit of a game for what its worth.

Changing player behaviours and how they play the game with the respective load outs, etc. is another matter all together and has more to do with game design mechanics than individual player behaviour.

Only when life requires you to do something, or your game is bugging do I respect it. I don’t like leaving and I don’t like teammates deserting (as someone who is a fight till the very end kind of person) however there is not realistic way to distinguish between what is a respectable reason and what is a crybaby reason. Ultimately, I cannot stop you; I’d just wish my teammates respected me that same way.

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I’m not defending or attacking when I say this, But if you’re having to desert because your PC can’t handle it then that’s at a point where you need to look at if you should be playing this game on it. Why subject yourself to that torture? Minimum specs are a thing for a reason, (My personal opinion) Even when it comes to consoles last generation PlayStation 4 and Xbox ones should be dropped from support and the game removed off the platform. Simply because the consoles can’t handle the game as time has gone on.

As for all of the other reasons for deserting, if you’ve got stuff to do IRL do what you got to do. It’s just a game at the end of the day and people are going to push penalizing for every reason until it happens to them then they’re going to turn it around and realize that there is a reason people desert.

Bad map design, bad mode design, severely unbalanced teams, things IRL, internet disconnection out of the players control, loss of power, etc. It’s just a game, nothing that’s supposed to relax you was worth the stress.

I have posted the reason’s why I desert when I do, and for the most part I really don’t care if people desert. To me it’s just a video game. Is it worse to be fighting people who are not trying, or just killing bots the computer replaces them with?

I have bailed when the game is just a slaughter fest and there is no logical point staying, especially for the dismal amount of silver you get from losing. However, if I have my daily Enlisted objectives to achieve, then I will stay and try and work on those not caring about the game objectives. Otherwise if I stay, I usually just find a nice spot away from the raping and snipe, then jump into a plane when available to practice. This is one reason why my level 3 US units have two sniper squads. All snipers carry a M1 Garand with out a scope and one with. If the game is a complete klusterfuk, then I just find a distant place and snipe till the game ends.

Incentives are the only way to cut down on deserters.

If your the only engineer, it’s ok.

If you are on 150 kills and 2nd place is on 40, it’s ok.

A better strategy is to start playing planes/tanks only when your team is real bad, therefore the game ends faster and you still get bp progress.

If people call you out, who cares, they are probably way worse than you and crying because they need you.