Is it possible to see what's my ping?

Sometimes I can’t hit an enemy even if I shoot at point blank range.

I assume it happens because of a high ping?

unfortunately, this feature has been removed.
before some updates, it used to be Shift+Control+N and that would have made apppear a bounch of Netowrk informations.

but as i said, it has been removed. no clue why.

i would like to ask @Keofox on what happened and why happened about that regard.

we’ll see if he got some answer.



Client should know best in most situations. So you aren’t missing necessarily because ping meant you had to lead. I speak as someone who has a minimum 70 ping on all games. If I have to lead my shots, I would know it.

It could be a lack of accuracy problem, a hitreg problem for why those shots would miss. Quick turning lowers accuracy for one.

This feature is not removed.
@116793004 Press ctrl+shift+n and look at left upper corner.
You will be able to see your ping/packet loss

why it doesn’t work on my end?

it’s quite usefull as i quite need it.

How do you press this key combination?
I hold down both left ctrl and shift at the same time, and without releasing these keys I press the N key.


that’s how it worked for me around, 1 year?

EDIT: i restarted the game, and figured out that doesn’t work anymore in training ground nor Pratice. but online battles, works fine.

It’s strange.
@116793004 Does it work for you?

Can confirm it works for me and 4 other people without issues.

Try reinstalling the game maybe?

In training and practice, this combination does not work, since these are offline modes.

i guess that make sense.

my sincere apologies.

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The Ctrl+Shift+N indeed works


The stat is not displayed on the screenshot, strange, but it’s visible in the game.

Wait the ping is not displayed in the bottom left next to the fps counter ? What are those numbers then ?

On the bottom left it shows the graphics api used (DirectX 11) and frames per second. The ping and some other stuff were displayed on the left upper corner. The game doesn’t want me to capture the info with screenshot so I took a photo of it

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