Is it possible to gamble matchmaking with T3?

T3 only enjoys either the worst, going to T4/T5 matches. Or enjoys the easiest, going to T2/T1 matches.
What about gambling with T3’s SBMM. Quit if you see T4/T5. Stay if you see T1/T2. I dont care about ranks and those fancy profile pictures.


T3 gambling addiction is gonna be major issue

I hope it doesn’t lead to unnecessary desertion penalties that will make game worse for everyone.

Can You feel that T3 + Any side (for extra xp) gambling addicts getting most cancer lineups ready?


If dev dare to add this, I will going to quit the game real soon.


Yeah if it’s gonna be really harsh, i won’t be playing with fking TRAIN maps still in rotation, that mode should have separate queue for whoever likes it.

And no map veto, i’ll be on break or spreading cancer on low tiers untill they add it

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You know it will be, your crew will be locked for 5mins after leaving. Same as in WT. High tier soviets will keep deserting and then finally stop playing because they will be forced to play only garbage Berlin maps and occasional Stalingrad 24/7. Give us high BR Moscow or Axis will be only grinding bots as they currently do.

I’m discussing it atm in the megathread:

There should be a 3rd queue along those proposed.

Tier 3 should only be able to face tier 2-3-4.

So br +/-1…

It’s fair imo.


I think I can desert the game like forever, really.

For Soviets:


AA truck that will murder infantry

T-34 STZ (black)

T34 (1941)

Assaulters 2x with PPSh-41 (box) and Panzerfaust at gunner + DP-27

Troopers x9 x2 with SVT-38

x2 Flamethrower squads with ROKS-2

PE-2-31 to spam 6x bombs

For Axis:


AA truck that will murder infantry



3x Flamethrower squads (with premium Tunisian squad carrying Gewehr 41)

x2 Kar98k with nade launcher x9/G41 troopers x9

1x silenced mp40 squad + 1x Assaulters with mp40 and Panzerfaust at gunner + mg34

2x Lmg squads with mg34 (or maybe 3x squads if they let us use mg42 early)

For USA:


AA truck that will murder infantry

BAR MG squad x2 + probably Colt Monitor squad

Sherman x2


Sten event squad + 1x Lanchester squad

3x Flamethrower (last one thanks to premium squad)

hopefully FP-5 for HVAR spam

It’s pretty obvious that usa will get short end of the stick when it comes to III tier they don’t even have any semi auto rifle since M1 Garand is tier IV lol, yeah there is m1 carbine but we don’t talk about that garbage.

Tier 1 and 2 won’t be able to do much against them they since will barely have anything upgraded, it doesn’t look much different compared to current Moscow or Tunisia. For vets it will get better but for new players it will still crap but now with much longer grind to get basic smgs, semi autos and at rocket launchers. Forget about bolt USA nade launcher so they can spam them x9 with each squad.

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I think tier 4 vs 2 is gonna be bigger gap than 3 v 1, especially in tanks.

But i’m for 3rd queue if there is enaugh players, once the BR’s are out it’s easier to talk about them and tweak them for devs.

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Tier 4 could never face tier 2, thought :thinking:

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So You meant tier 2-3-4 as in, either tiers 2 and 3, or 3 and 4

Yeah all for it then, if tier 2 which is still trash sees tier 4 it’s gonna be mess

isn’t it like…

the 16th time you say that?.

but penalties are what put people in place.
and i’m all for it.

as it goes for the gambling T3,
it has potential.
or… can be damaging.

earlier to say.
and defnitely too early to make judgements on it.

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It’s impossible for T4 to see T2


Pretty sure is

The middle number is the dominant one that decided if they get uptier or lower

So yes you can’t meet T2 with T4, or T3 with T5

I meant in conscript joe proposition on 3rd queue, which would be middle tiers

I know how system is planned to work

Oh I see, if another queue is added, which is possible as stated in the blog, T3 would logically only meet T2/T4


I mean mostly that a tier 3 could only face tier 2 and 4 (and their own),

But as tier 2, you could only face tier 1 and 3,

Being a tier 4, could only face tier 3 and 5…

Something like BR +/-1.



It’s what I’m trying to (poorly) suggest!!! :sweat_smile:


Imo It should already happen naturally, is never said in the news that BR3 fight BR1 and BR5 but only that BR3 can fight aganaist the previus and the next BR

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Tell them to change this line then.

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