( i know… hard to tell, but i did not have better images. )
but essentially, was a canopy reindinst ( the ones usually used for small outposts with machineguns 42 on nomrnady ) plus a tent frame, and a tent it self on top.
I’m not fully understand.
Does these tents just disappears like Bazsi37 objects (it happened because devs removed objects)?
Or they fine loads, but somehow starts destroying?
But had -2 in hitpoints?
Even if you scale it not much?
For me crash starts if i scale it too much. And also not sure that it happened with all objects.
Hmmm… Can you too sent files to private messages? I want check maps and found reason why they crash.
I’m sorry, but can you give more info? How close you place them?
Seemed that they deleted some rendinsts, such as some trenches in my mod(I had to replace them),and the oil tower disappeared and caused bugs on the server(although nothing wrong in the mod editor except that the Tower became invisible)
no. bazsi case is where objects got taken away from the editor. such as rocks and containers/silos. one among the many problems that i have encountered. which i wanted to point out.
they are fine, and they load, but after few seconds, they get destroyed.
similar to rendinsts colliding with vehicles.
despite all rendinst ( such as the canopy, the tend, and tent frames ) are all setted to -2 which should make them undestractible.
in some occasions, even if i scale a little. because it probably touch something else and causes crashes.
i uninstalled and reinstalled the game. didn’t solved much.
( plus, files are kinda gone )
so, for example, if i place them right undernear or close, ( or even duplicated stuff ) my editor would crash.
Hmmm I note that vehicle weirdly contact with invincible RI.
I mean vehicle can freely ride and ignore collision. Sometimes.
Well… I’ll soon check these objects. Probably when game starts they aren’t invincible…
Even a little scale… Hmmm… It’s very strange. Does any other objects were near with RI that you scale?
Bots(Player)/Vehicles? Or just other RI objects? NVM i’ll soon test it… But would be nice to know what object cause crash even if little scalled.
I tries clone sandbags. But seems everything okay for me. Same with unbaked objects. Too fine. But i’ll check soon again… Would be nice to know what objects crashes. RI boxs? or what?
Probably I didn’t got it.
Maybe problem that your map is very detail and contains many objects…
Well… In short - I can’t reproduce your problem. Maybe I doing something wrong?
What can i confirm is that choosing between rendinsts will crash the editor. It does not have to be removed or “hidden”, normal rendinsts can also cause a crash.
EDIT: I tested this on an empty scene and it did not crash. Probably crashed due to the large number of rendinsts (4744 which is actually not a lot but anyway),
Here is the map: GrandCanyon.zip ~ pixeldrain
For some reason the dump says but i DID update the game through the launcher and it does display the latest version
if you have RI within/near/inside other RI and you try to change them ( for example, i have bunch of walls and i want to transform a chair near by to a paviment or something else, ) the destruction of the previous object makes my editor crash.
or even just to scroll through quickly like we used to with decor reindinsts, the game crashes.
it seams the destruction particles or the entire process of destroying the previous object into the newer object makes the editor crash.
For me it still crashes after that I two times changed random RI in Bazsi37 map. bpreport.log.txt (4.1 КБ) 2022_12_22_19_24_08__6820.txt (1.8 МБ) fa31782266.dmp (763.7 КБ)
Also… Is it okay that log displays 48 version?
And yeah. I downloaded 49 version before.