Is Germany still going to be the bot team this bp?

I know it rotates between factions but it would be nice to play as Germany and win every now and then lol

play with Twitch streamers and you’ll have more fun;

twitch streamers that will give you a higher chance of winning are:

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Just wait the FG buff You Will see hundreds of players running to GE


I was going to tag you in this thread, but decided to wait instead :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Bruh XD


I did well with Germany on BR1-BR2. I’m not sure how well they performed on higher BRs in the past days though.

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FG rework is announced
Several guns getting buffs
“Is Germany dying?”

Yes, German mains are getting 1 of 2 biggest complaints fixed and they hate it. They are being driven from the game in droves. The only thing that could make this worse is if they gave them a 100 round MG to boot. Now THAT truly will kill the Axis team for certain

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I’ve been tracking what team I get from join any team, and >50% of my games are germany. I don’t think germany is all bots, though, as it seems like most of my lobbies are mostly players.

BR5 should be populated again due the SOON TM buffs but low BR will be still a ghost town since they are the weakest nation there with weakest smgs, just okey tanks, meh planes and mediocre rifles and pretty good lmgs but they are still mediocre when compared to the PPS-42/43 at close range.
They need to bring most German smgs down in BR otherwise we will be always underpowered around BR2 (against all nations) and BR3 (against Soviets).

First streamer i saw: Yeah we will totally win mate (BR1 axis)

He plays low br for new players who want to play with him. if you understood that a Twitch streamer has to be able to play low br for newbs who wish to play you’d understand.
clearly, you don’t stream enlisted.
if you want to play high BR you can play with

You know? All depends on your skill i mean… I got this Game archivement with GE:

Basically i won 10 games in a row without playing with friends and most of games were basically:

(Spawn, rallie, cap, rallie, ded, Spawn, ded, cap,rallie, Spawn, ded, cap…)

I was carrying My team, this don’t means that i had 2 ez games but most of them we’re very hard against handycaped sovs and plane spamers, Even Potato launcher players everything in BR 2…

So all depends on your skills, little team coodination by marking,killing enemy vehicles,artillery and Yea… Sometimes luck cuz one of those Games we had to capture a point with 100 refoirciments and we just did it cuz a lucky tank Shell that killed half of the players there