Is +10% damage reduction for specific headgear even worth it?

After being frustrated with Enlisted’s hidden damage reduction on helmets (such as certain helmets with no damage reduction), I’ve began wondering if equipping them is even worth it.

I’m always on the border of wondering whether I should equip the helmet that looks cool, or the helmet that gives -10% damage reduction.

So let’s say a soldier has 27 HP. This includes the vitality perk and the extra damage a soldier can withhold while downed. An SMG will do maybe 5 damage for each hit if you consider things like damage drop-off. With the headshot multiplier, it’d rise up to 11.5 (13.8 if upgraded). This means it would take 3 headshots to kill a soldier (If I’m doing my math correct). It would probably take 2 if the weapon was fully upgraded.

But with the headshot multiplier and the damage reduction, it would do 10.35 damage (12.42 if upgraded). It would still take 3 headshots to kill a soldier

And considering the fact most players spray center of mass, does the damage reduction even matter in the first place?

I’ve probably done my math wrong, so please correct me.

Now let’s return to the previous question.

Do you think the -10% damage reduction helmets are worth equipping?

Damage to head (without helmet) = x 2,3 damage
Damage to head (with helmet) = x 2,07 damage

Battle rifles do 14- 15 dmg, while assault rifles about 10 dmg, so helmets are useful only against SMGs and at best assault rifles.

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13.5 from normal HP
10 downed HP (vitality doesn’t apply to it)
But it’s not particularly worth it, the difference is so small it can basically only save you from pistol headshots


I wasn’t aware that any of the helmets gave a 10% reduction damage. How do you identify them?

Enlisted Resource - Google Spreadsheets

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I would only pick the ones that look cool. In my opinion there should be no hidden perks for customization items. Customization should be strictly for looking cool and not for getting advantages


You SAY that, but some colors may stand out/fade in to background. Some shapes may break up the character’s outline.

For that matter; two completely equal in all ways mechanical submachine guns may see one outperforming the other because of the sound of it’s report. (This actually happened in the multiplayer for Return to Castle Wolfenstein).

Let’s not forget the appearance changes in games with different animations, or hit boxes.

The point is, “cosmetic items” have an effect on gameplay, there’s no getting around it.

FACTS :100:

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That would matter more if enlisted fights would take place in longer ranges. Currently the maps are so small that your location will be revealed due to your movement and not the clothes.

But technically you are correct. If your target is far away from you, doesnt move and has clothes that match enviroment he will be harder to spot. The difference is still so minor that i dont think it matters

Also you have to take into account that your clothes can also reveal your position easier. For an example the moscow white sniper clothes are really useful if you are laying in snow but as soon as you go near buildings or in a forest you will stick out like a sore thumb. Your face might also reveal you.

That is why i think drip is more important than some minor advantages

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Huh, I wasn’t aware that this was a thing/hidden game mechanic. I wonder if it’s the default helmets that give you this bonus, or is it only the “purchasable” ones?

Making one pistol shot to the head at ranges you’re probably not going to hit anyone at, anyway not instantly fatal is not a huge advantage, by any metric.

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its both, but a lot of helmets including purchasable ones don’t have the dmg reduction

I agree. But i am mostly talking about body armour and how it needs to have the damage resistance taken. I dont think the 10% matters that much in combat but removing it would make all cosmetics equal. Also some individuals could finally stop complaining

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  • limit them to being equipped by assault squads or engineer squads


  • give them a -5% sprint speed


  • remove the 10% damage reduction

imo the first suggestion is the best way to deal with body armor.

Hopefully this topic won’t get out of hand and we have a civilized discussion but I think there needs to be a reason to not equip it on every single soldier.

Additionally the additional body armor only benefits “the better players” since they are the ones who know about this damage reduction and have the customization orders to equip all their soldiers with it. I know how we’re talking about how the damage reduction in helmets is useless, but for body armor, it is extremely helpful. It is just unfair for new players.

I’ve seen players use the “it makes the USSR faction unique” excuse, but if it does, why not explicitly state the damage reduction in-game so more people know that the USSR faction is unique?

Well surviving one PPSH headshot absolutely can make the difference between victory or defeat - however I don’t use my pioneer event squad because it doesn’t have the “faster crawl speed perk” its a pioneer II squad, which I dont use.

Guess me being weird again

the calculation models in this thread are not expedient.
if you want to test how useful -10% is, the optimal way is to collect data from multiple games and see how less often soldiers die. anything else are just indirect and imprecise ways to estimate this essential data.
but collecting that data can be very hard, so the fast answer is: YES -10% is good, since even if it lets your soldiers survive 5% more often, its a significant advantage in combat.

another way to understand it: a 5% survival bonus would be instantly banned in competitive games, as its highly unfair, thats how useful the helmets in enlisted are. i recommended every new player to buy helmets with the customization orders and put them on everyone.

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if there was some good way to collect data, then it would be viable. but cause there is no good way you just need to trust math which tells us that it has rather questionable usability only against pistol rounds in CQC in very specific situations.

it will only help in situations where you deal 10-11.1 damage against opponent without vitality or 13.5-14.99 damage to opponent with vitality. that translates to damage between 4.34 and 4.83 damage for opponent without vitality and 5.86 and 6.5 for opponents with vitality when you remove 2.3 headshot multiplier. most stock smg have damage over 4.77 inside 30m range(and lower than 5.86) and most maxed smg have over 6.5 damage within 15-20m. damage drop of 0.65 is somewhere around 15-20m depending on the gun.

so situation where it is actually useful:

  • against headshot to someone with vitality from maxed smg between 15-35m range depending on smg
  • against headshot to someone without vitality with stock smg between 30-50m range depending on smg (e.g. for ppsh41 range is 30-40m, while for mp40 it is 40-55)
  • opponent basically only fired one extremely precise shot and didnt shoot any other bullet towards enemy soldier

usually whoever shoots at enemy is unlikely to shoot only one bullet with smg at enemy(specially within 50m) so helmets basically provide no protection cause of high damage multiplier.

if it was body armor like soviets have i would agree, but helmets are pretty much useless. they may improve your survivability by maybe 0.1%

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In the left column (at the top), the spreadsheet mentions that there is a “German Assault Engineer Squad” whose helmets reduce damage by 83%; however, it does not mention the name of the unit. Do you happen to know which unit this is?

you could get this squad from assault engineer event. also stalingrad owners got this.

Yeah, I’ve got the squad; thanks for the info!