Invasion of Normandy missions (completed!)

Is it under NDA too?

Is it me being noob or the AI bots are hacking? they always find me from miles away, even through bushes and cover.

Gaijin AI hasn’t changed much since War Thunder its seems.

They can pick you out through impossible foliage a mile away, but they can’t shoot at the guy 10 feet in front of them.

They slowly increase their aggro towards you the longer you are in sight. Breaking line of sight and moving both help against it.

Generally hoping back into cover for like 2 seconds is enough to reset the aggro.

Well after playing few matches I could say it’s breath of fresh air to see the “green” in a while, I didn’t play that much mainly 2 games with each being a different mode (conquest & invasion). The maps in general look really amazing & cool.

The good thing I was is that by default every squad is having an engineer which I really liked if this is something the developers are considering (giving different soldier types in a singular squad). To improve on something, the verticality in the invasion map should be payed attention to, I got into a map where the road to the hill was completely blocked due to the tanks destroyed blocking it.

This would’ve happened actually had they listed back in September & October when the community was reporting that the main issue with the game is the lootbox system (Logistics), this system is the backbone of the entire progression system & it is it’s ground stand. This is to be changed then it would make the change in the rest of the progression going into the right direction resulting in actual good feedback.


They are awesome!! I love them to bits, D-Day is amazing, so much space to move around yet it’s not to big, same goes to the conquest maps! My only grip is that there isn’t more. I know it only dropped like a day ago but can we can a map where the Germans attack? Last thing is that can you do these types of maps to Moscow too? I love then, 9/10.

As soon as they started to add verticality to the maps, they drastically improved. D-Day, the fortress, both are amazing because of it. The game is made in 3d, the maps really should reflect that.

Im just sad that its gonna end on the 28th

I’m playing normandy a bit, but lowkey taking advantage of the high-level players leaving moscow in order to grind up my campaign level.

Surprisingly few bots in moscow, but pushover players.

might be good to include a tooltip for adjusting the range on the bazooka and panzerfaust. I had to quick look up the control mapping in order to fire at a reasonable range, as I never had to use that on any other weapon before.

Another thing is that, inside the Sherman, I keep hearing my crew obnoxiously yelling a muffled “forward”

Why do i have a feeling that Omaha beach was larger?

It was 3.5 miles, but I have a feeling there was more than 64 guys moving up the beach at a time as well.

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Something about the church on one of the domination maps just turns both teams braindead.
A good 3 or 4 times I was part of, or saw, one of those moments where 2 guys from opposite teams run past eachother, take a couple of seconds to process, then turn around and start shooting.


“guten tag”
“oh hey fritz”

looking at the replay though, it may be the fault of the system where you switch squadmates on death. I definitely feel like that needs to be revamped at some point so you don’t just stop in the middle of the street to get your bearings whenever you switch.

Maybe throw a spectator cam on your squad so you know what they were doing before you switched to them. Of course, it still won’t be perfect because “what they were doing” is still going to equate to eating glue or staring intently at a wall.

Was? are you saying the maps are scaled down?

or only a section of the landing zone is accessible
Might pay to look up topographical maps of the beach

Edit: Here’s the entire Normandy map as it is in-game

And here’s the best topographical map of Omaha beach I can find so far:

It’s hard to tell because the game map is so dark, but it looks like we’re playing specifically on the Charlie landing zone, on the far west end, and it looks about the correct scale.

So far the Normandy test is fine the tanks thing is well what they had H’s had basically gone out of major usage and for the americans having the M4A2 is also an oddity it should ideally be a M4A3 or M4A1/M4 as the M4A2 wasn’t well used by the american armoured divisions (IIRC only once did they use them).
The Mp43/1 is a little odd for some people to use as they think Ich mine gott god gun and proceed to burn the ammo in seconds and start complaining that the dude doesn’t carry half a tonne of equipment around the battlefield.
The BAR is what it is its a squad level weapon more in kin to the bren or the VZ.26 not meant for long engagements with the enemy unlike the Mg.34 but then again most platoons in normandy had both 1919’s and BAR’s so eh.
An odd gripe now though is that why are semi autos so prevelent in the germans hands i understand from a balance view them needing them but it does feel a little semi auto heavy for the germans who were basically up until wars end still using the bolt action Kar as there main weapon.
And finally Panzerfaust v Bazooka theres nothing wrong with them tbh and adding in a tank with side skirts for the germans wouldn’t really negate the projectiles (Look at fighting in bulgaria after they switched sides the rounds still punched through)
Oh and a little tip of the hat to the devs it genuinely looks like the Normandy region and isn’t so repetitive like moskow which looks quite bland for a lot of the architecture and they made the M1 carbine kick correctly which satisfies me greatly.

Normandy campaign isn’t omaha, though. it is a fictional map that takes all beaches as inspiration

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HE shells are not working as it should be… for example when I shoot a shell of 75 mm from a panzer IV tank to a cluster of enemy infantry Very near them in the ground I doesn’t do any damage at all Unless I shoot at one of them directly and unfortunately only him dies while the others around him will be safe… so please guys fix the explosive radius for whole tanks shell in all of the game campaign tanks ASAP and thank you in advance

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