Invasion at Beloe Lake

Every day Enlisted gives our team more and more experience, which we apply not only to new missions, but also to improvements of already familiar places. One of the oldest maps in the game, Beloe Lake, will be among these places in the upcoming update.


Meet your new targets in a flooded forest, near a fishing village, and on a strategic height with a sturdy church.

The entire mission is literally permeated with a partisan spirit. Trenches, advantageous defensive positions, among which there are completely new objects, will turn every meter passed into your personal achievement.


Be above the enemy - universal military advice, still relevant today. The higher you are, the harder it is for the enemy to take cover.

Among Beloe Lake’s improvements are new tree positions, perfect for snipers and machine gunners. Be above the enemy!

We continue adding different modes to the already familiar Enlisted missions.

In one of our next location and mission devblogs, we’ll be covering new features for all of the game’s campaigns!


So, do we have the second DEV for today? :yum:

That would be neat, but I doubt it.

But I was always wondering when are we going to see invasion mode for Kamenka River and Beloe Lake. These maps and their surroundings might be perfect for this mode.


BTW I want the “Game Mode filter” so that I can play Invasion Mode all the time,And as for Conquest, QUIT in 10 sec :sweat_smile:


can we get another devblog today?

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Keofox has the day off? :scream:

@Keofox: we miss you allready! :cry:
@4848872: glad to have you here! :grinning:

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damn, so this is the mythical Beloe Lake map


Deer Stands??? Is this Hunting Simulator 8 (the Ocho ) Now?

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No, its Hans Sniping Simulator 2 (1 goes to Monastery walls).

Can we please get a answer if the dev team is working to fix plane spawn problems? I hope tall realize the 3 plane spawn rotation is killing certain maps.

I’m guessing the next major update including Tunisia will come with the next battle pass? In about 7 Days??

I think (hope) they are. They attempted a change a few weeks ago and then had to revert back due to issues. At that time they said they were going to rework planes (whatever that means )

When that will happen who knows but in the mean time if planes are just getting too much to deal with then play a campaign where planes are not as much of an issue. I would suggest Moscow …

Always a plus on my books, to have more invasion maps.huge + from me.

This update, I’ll sure give Alot. Alot of new content.!

Good job. And thank you.

I just flew over that area via plane. Put flaps to full for a slow and low observation… Flying “recon” mission is a really interesting task.

At the other side of the river, there’s some new wooden buildings aside the road to the church.
Also pretty surprise to see a large swamp next to this area.


Yeah wow they’ve really re-worked the entire layout of that map section. Used to be nothing across the river except for more fields.

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I doubt it will be a single update, these feel more like a roadmap. Just too much to be in a single release, but I hope I’m wrong.

As Keofox mentioned in the Academy-killer post:

I guess it may apply to some of the other news posts as well.

Hey guys, is anyone actually getting this map in the Moscow rotation? I’m excited to familiarize my self with it as a Moscow main, but still haven’t gotten it .

I know this is off-topic BUT why cant you guys remove the limit of 3/9 battle tasks per day? Why not let the person do as many as they want in a day? Not everyone can play daily, it would be a lot more convenient even for people who get time to play only on weekends.

In the third section of the invasion of Lake Belloe
Buildings spawned by attackers
There is a phenomenon that AI cannot get out of

When can I edit?