Introduce Day and Night Cycle with Dynamic Weather..!

This has probably been suggested before even by me before thought i suggest again for discussion sake

Introduce Day and Night Cycle during battles: Having option to make it night or anytime of day already exists in replays but not in actual game, so make Day and Night cycle in game with 24hrs in game equal 48mins or less in real time. Giving chance to experience night battles and the challenges it creates. During Nights the lights in houses/buildings and street lights should come on and can take them out if you want darkness to limit visibility, maybe even put lights switches in houses where u can switch em on or off if you desire. You should also have ability to take out power lines or transformers to take out lights in a certain area. Might have to introduce flash lights with this feature.

Moon: Should also Create a Moon in sky that gives moonlight during night and cycles with the sun and can be randomized whether its Full or New or Half Moon.

Watches and Clocks: You could always figure out time of day by looking at position of Sun or Moon but would be more convenient if watches and clocks were introduced. Clock Towers in Cities, Towns would be workable even little clocks scattered around inside houses as furniture, also watches equipped on soldiers which you look at by clicking a button and would have wide variety of watches to wear that were issued to the respective nations during WW2.

Introduce Changing Dynamic Weather: Of course cant talk about Day and Night cycles without talking about Weather. There’s already preset weather in map it loads with but not Dynamic Weather that changes and moves, where over time dark clouds start coming and then starts raining or cause storm randomly then pass and become sunny again. Also introduce Snowing and when it start snowing, more snow should accumulate on ground. If storm approaches on snowy/winter maps, it should turn into snow storm with blowing snow limiting visibility for you and the AI(their line of sight). Heavy Rains should also flood certain areas a little, like pot holes or craters or trenches pretty much any areas where water cant properly drain out of or on lower ground.

Weather Effects Terrain: Make rain turn all soft ground more muddy and make difficult to drive vehicles in muddy parts where ground isn’t hardened like asphalt roads. Maybe even making vehicles get stuck or drive real slow depending on how big or heavy a vehicle is and how big the tracks and wheels are. For infantry make it difficult to walk making them unable to run in muddy areas or walk real slow depending on what type of footwear equipped. With this should make Footwear customizable you can mix and match in appearance section so they don’t already come attached with pants limiting options to change them and should come separate. Footwear costing like 2 appearance cards just like with gloves.


All this would cost a lot in terms of performance, and many people play this on potato PCs and previous gen consoles.

Especially for an first-person shooter, I’d rather have “good enough” visuals and better framerates than extra-high-quality visuals and bad framerates.

Also there’s, like, a ton of gameplay issues that need addressing over anything visual.


Which part would cost a lot in performance? the day and night cycle or the weather? day and night is just changes in direction sun light is shining from or not at all and we already have weather in this…maybe snow accumulating might effect performance but that’s not necessary to include if it can be achieved without.

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You’re proposing for all that to actively change mid-match. That will reduce performance.


Sun going around would be slow process so how much you think it would effect performance?

Maybe not that one specifically. But I can actually throw this one back at you: An average Enlisted match lasts maybe 30m. How much do you think you’re gonna notice the sun moving in that amount of time? Is it really worth the devs’ time and resources? Think about that.

Most visual changes aren’t really worth the devs’ time and resources IMO. QoL fixes and improvements, as well as more content, is what really matters.

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here is some spam for help with your suggestion!


@Naohmcete I like, would love some pictures of military issued watches for each nation too.

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Great post, I believe I read a post similar to this almost a year ago, and I’m glad it’s being brought up again. I recently just used the replay system for the first time the other day and in the advanced options I saw that the weather could be changed and I saw that night was an option, I said tonight and Raining heavy clouds, and it was very cool to see how the maps in Normandy looked with night.

I believe that everything you said was very good, yet it might be overwhelming for the devs to work on, So if we could ask for night and moonlight, as well as street lights and dynamic weather, I believe that would be a very good first start in this direction.

Regardless, I really like this post, it was very pleasant to read. :grinning:

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Check out @tommyZZM Big Action Mod.

Last I tried it he had added Dynamic Weather and it was very cool. Fog rolled in and it looked awesome.

He has added Clear, Raining, Foggy, and Snowing on a 20 minute rotation. very cool


So it is possible even by modders…to all those complaining about performance.

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Also in Zombie mode, there was a phase where it went really dark for a limited time (you couldnt see shit)…I would say day night cycle is already a thing too. (in some form)


Ye thats why i suggested to add a Moon to get some moonlight, so its not pitch black…

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Yes the Zombies night/blackout wave was a good test from/for the devs to test out night/dark maps

The lighting and the ambient lighting would have to be improved with the addition of the night modes, other than just adjusting the brightness of the lights, they would need to add more candela to the current lighting items in maps. (Lamps, house lights, fires etc)


I’ve never tried any mods, so I don’t know if that affects performance or not. I imagine it will though. Really not your call to decide if it does or not.

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I don’t know about them, sorry

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