Just a fun little random soldier drop for you all
All that’s left is to put him on a motorcycle with another soldier named Sean Connery and you’re good to go.
Here’s a picture I took of them in Enlisted, invasion mode. They stole an axis premium squad motorcycle. Sean will probably go build a rally point somewhere while Harrison shoots Italians with a Colt new service.
dude what are the odds? xD
You have to improve it to 5 stars,it’s your duty!
My Lorenzo Medici is up to 4.
Which is even more of an achievement considering he’s a rifleman so I’ve had to paypig to stop him from getting replaced by Germans.
Im hoping for Michael Jackson on US
Good to know what you do in your freetime aside from Enlisted
You’re implying Enlisted isn’t how I accomplish it.
I’ve got a Michael Jordan in my Infantry squad, grenade throw perk and detcharges
Well, not literally Sean Connery but I’ve got one of his roles…
Obviously I didn’t send him to the academy, I don’t want to lose him… I guess I’ll upgrade him when we have the new upgrade system.
Btw I’ve also got Glenn Ford, John Williams and Michael Owen
Here’s my celebrity soldier
Oh we sharing these pics? I got a bunch somehow.
I also got three guys who share a name, somehow. Can’t put them all in the same unit tho.
duuuude, this whole set of posts is XD XD xD XD XD