Ingame Battle Rating Advise/Tutorial for (New) players

To be honest, the BR match making isn’t too intuitive for most players, I’ve been in too many BR5 games where a lot of players only have low-mid BR equipment but play in BR5 because of a single BR5 GO weapon. There should be maybe like a popup window or something that would advise players if the current line up they have have a too big of a leap in BR difference (like 2-3 BR difference. Example: Most of your equipment lineup is BR 3, you bought a single BR5 GO weapon and equipped it. There should be something like a warning or tip that you would be put in a match with significantly better equipped players, am implying like pure BR5 equipped players, than your current lineup would otherwise suggest because of that single BR5 GO weapon). Ingame tutorials/tips should be expanded for how the BR match making works and how to equip your squad lineup for said BR’s.

It’s funny but at the same time frustrating to play with and against players bringing BR1-2 tanks/planes, bolt action rifles, and SMG’s in a BR5 match. This is a real issue devs! I’ve had to explain how the BR match making works to a lot of new ingame friends that were playing for multiple months but didn’t even know how to properly equip their squads.

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