Maybe that will help preventing players from climbing to buggy spots on modded maps
Here I am, once again. I was trying to switch factions on my map, so the Germans would be fighting the zombies. But everytime i change the ammo box to team 2, the box crashed, and despawns. I assume because this gamemode was never meant to have 2 teams. Is there any way i can avoid this? Still would like to play as the Germans
Hmmm… This is probably because of battle zone. Try to copy the battle zone of team 1 and change team.
any idea why i cant use a profile in the editor?
none of the custom profile options work, that goes for bots too.
i can find the option to add it but it does nothing when clicked on.
trying to make it so your not going into zombies like a regular squads vanilla game mode.
Need to click to any area. And then use Find Entity and search profile.
I don’t have any idea to make the tanks move, so please help find the way to make the tanks move like in the event. I would like to make some crazy tank waves with the zombie_spawn_mode edit
That’s the neat part. You don’t.
Tanks have special navmesh we cannot generate.
There is a tank entity spawner, an objective point which the tank will navigate to using it’s special navmesh.
@Devenddar Unless no?
I am trying to make my own zombie map in which i would like to allow the appearance of tanks. But after reading this whole page, i am still unable to figure out the exact things to do in order to make tanks spawn, let alone the nav mesh part.
I have no idea how to add the level_zombie_night thing and the entities.blk so pls help
What tanks you used? Only zombie tanks?
Here some guide how to do it:
Make sure that you have zombie_spawn_mode with tanks in some waves (one/some entity_spawner__waves should contain zombie_ai_vehicle_tank_spawner). Also you need to create battle area for zombies team (3).
You need to add tank inside level__loadExtraNavMeshes property in level entity. It will enable tank navMesh in map.
Use zombie_tank_spawn_zone entity as respawn point.
- Set unique id in zombie_tank_spawn_zone__objectiveId property.
Use custom_ai_tank_objective_position entity as aim/destination point.
- Set unique id in ai_tank_objective__positionId property.
Create zombie_tank_objective entity. It will tell to tank what need to do.
Set id in zombie_tank_objective__id property. It should be from zombie_tank_spawn_zone__objectiveId (zombie_tank_spawn_zone entity).
Set id in ai_tank_objective__positionIds property. It should be from ai_tank_objective__positionId. And it will be used as destination point.
Set id in ai_tank_objective__aimAtPositionIds property. Everything is same, but it will be used as aim point.
Set number in ai_tank_objective__positionCountsPerType. It probably set limit for each destination points?
Set chance in ai_tank_objective__probabilityPerPositionType. It probably set chances for each destination points?

But here still one problem: find_vehicle_obstacles: nav obstacle without tile cache enabled loggers/error messages.
Probably need to use a smaller map for this. This message does not appear if all tanks have noticed all players. On Volokolamsk map these aim points set nearby with respawn points. Above the trenches.
Yeah. Currently time we can’t rebuild navMesh for tanks. But all maps have navMesh for tanks.
You can check it. For that need to turn on NavMesh (Toolbox → navMesh). And then use console command app.debug_navmesh_index X that lets you change navMesh type (0 instead X is infantry navMesh and 1 is vehicles).
We just can’t add/use paths for tanks on heavly edited maps. But probably it’s possible to make them move to at least one direction. It’s possible to create custom ai_vehicle_driver entities with unique ai_vehicle_driver__destination property.
Opps i just created a new topic that you have answered here. Maybe you can paste everything here to that post and people can find this answer easier?
how do i fix this error? I think i did something wrong but i will check later today (literally 12am so my brain will no longer function as expected)
Edit: i forgot to upload the latest blk of my scene because my brain is clearly dying. I will check tmr when i it recovers from the 3-hour-mod-making attempt
Can you sent file please? Or your file in other post?
Looking to your file in other post…
- Maybe because you edit zombie_tank_spawn_zone__curPositionIdx on zombie_tank_spawn_zone.
- You didn’t add zombie_tank_objective.
A bit updated it.
There are multiple ways to achieve a goal. Some are less elegant than others…
@Devenddar @tommyZZM is it possible to disable collision on human characters? Players are building walls out of afk players:
That is my favourite thing to do!
Well… I dunno. Try to make soldiers killable and set limit live amount (team__eachSquadMaxSpawns property in team entity). Sadly, but hitpoints__alwaysDowned seems a bit override downed state. If it disabled then soldier will never enter to downed state.
Maybe it would be good if hitpoints__alwaysAllowRevive will be with higher priority or remove hitpoints__alwaysDowned some feature.
You can do it. For that try to use ammunition box and set useful_box__maxUseCount to 1. Or medkit (you can remove item inside useful_box__giveItem), but probably you will need to make seperate entity with useful_box__destroyEmpty.
You can hide animchar in animchar_render__enabled and edit collision in collres__res.
I am just thinking. What if we can make a capture point thing? You say zombie targets are driven to their detection of threats i.e. player itself. What if they also have a cap point as a target. It will make them go to that point when they have no current target to attack right?
Cappoints for zombies is a nono. AI will go for capzones regardless of whether there is a target or not.
AI works fine for melee zombies. The only problem left to solve is why, sometimes not always, the last zombie(s) of a wave refuse to move towards the target.
But how that never happen for the event. Zombies always find me.