[Info] Zombies Mode Modding

Thanks so much! I didn’t include some lines of code, such as “human_weap__template_deps_list:list”, when I attempted it before. Also found out type_95_shin_gunto and type_95_shin_gunto_weapon are different things :confused:

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Screenshot 2024-04-26 202322

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Nice! It looks very cool
Btw guys i am thinking of a mod that can resemble left 4 dead 2. The issue i found is i cant make the zombiespawn points move. I mean they dont have group activate thingy for me to use. I heard that zombies will go for cap zone instead of player. Thats what i want so dont need to warn me

Maybe you can change it in entities.blk and add the attributes:


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Good idea. Thanks. But im very busy lately so i might try it a long time later.
So basically i want to make a dead version of the berlin city. Zombies are defending the capture points and people needs to capture them. They can get points from zombies and buy weapons on the way. Just like L4D2, they lose if they all get downed.

Btw i forgot how i can allow zombies to capture the zone. Because i want players to clear all zombies in the zone before it is allowed to be captured (i can do with the capture zone team advantage option so zombies have to be absolutely cleared before the zone is cleared). But i think i heard that zombies wont count as human and theres an option called humanAllowCapzone(i am unable recall the name but it contains the words human and cap)

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Need add zones_visitor__triggerTag:t="humanTriggerable" to main/all zombies entity.
Code on this topic: Maybe Some Tips to make your zombies missions more playable and avoid laggy

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Ok i just tried, zombie_spawn_zone ignores active tag and is always active :frowning:
Is there another way to disable a spawn zone or move a spawn zone?

I'm a **** idiot

Now i’m getting this error:

I even added the parameter:


I haven’t touched the spawner or teams for a long time

@Devenddar Caused by an update or something?

If i launch the event mission the same error pops up:

They broke something.

TL;DR: Don’t enable bots in zombies mode.

Huh… It’s on openDev? Because it’s still version. IIRC it was same like a week or more.

Maybe because of bot armies?

I have edited my comment. I’m an idiot.

You can preplace zombies on the battlefield and have zombie spawn zones for another spawn location but I don’t think there is a way unless you make zombies spawn like normal ai because zombies are probably not designed for this. You can change custom bot profiles and put on zombie cosmetics for the soldiers of team 2 but that would take a long time…

Is it possible to use zombie as a defender of a place but still be able to play on other gamemode like invasion or conquest?

Yeah. You can use zombie_spawn_mode with some classic game mode. Or you can create zombies using Create Entity. Currently time zombies without weapons will be fixed in the same place where they were created. Move tool works fine, but not visually. If you want to see where you are moving zombie then clone entity (hold [Shift] and use Move tool) and remove old one.

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So they will attack on sight ?

Yes they would. I have tested it
But you cant deactivate zombie_spawn_zones. The active tag does not work on them

Maybe not always. When you will be close enough. But yeah… They should.

If you don’t need chase behavior, then you don’t have to use it.

They does attack when you are at least like 30 to 50 meters away from them (Walls should not block them from sensing ur existence but i think direct line of sight improves their tracking ability). This is tested when some zombies lost target on me in my zombie map and you can actually fix that by going near them

How do I use hitPointsAlwaysDown to make it so that only players with a medkit will down but without medkit the player dies? I want this to make it so that left players wont be a lag issue

We have tried several solutions to get rid of this problem, but none of them worked.

You can make zombies super heavy to get rid of players buildings walls of afk players, until darkflow fixes this issue.


I want this to make it so that left players wont be a lag issue

Server lag is caused by large maps+ large player numbers, small map+large player number doesn’t cause server lag. (it didn’t for me)

what if i disable hitPointsAlwaysDown so that people dies if they dont have medkit and they can respawn?

Idk how hitPointsAlwaysDown work and cant test in single player.
But is there a thing i can modify in custom_profile so that any damage always down people if they own a medkit and they are allowed to revive themselves.

I ask here because i would like to have self-revive enabled. Its kind of annoying to need teammates to revive u. The respawn also counts as self-revive because u actually need to survive that 10 seconds before reinforcements arrive