Mortars and artillery should once again have friendly fire
There is zero thought put into the gameplay of either radio op or mortarman considering you don’t have to worry at all about just throwing it onto your team to shell everyone completely scot free
Agreed absolutely
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its kinda aids when the other team calls arty on the point that wipes the entire team off the point and yet tehy can just walk though it
I think maybe they could have a complete friendly fire test server session and w can see how it goes
it wont go well due to how brain dead people are or jsut people that wont care
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- You select a zone just behind the obj to shell incoming enemies
- enemy team actually all bots
- you are playing at berlin so maps are small as f*ck .
- your team captures it very quickly before artillery barrage
- sweatlords try to rush to next obj and you accidentaly shelled your own team, lost tons of point because you have full run n gun retards in your team
No thank you
Give me bigger maps than i can rethink this suggestion
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