Indestructible objects being destroyed when touching destructing destructible objects

I have been having a major issue with my map where objects set to indestructible (-2) will be destroyed if a destructible object that is touching them is destroyed.

I’ve been designing a close quarters map full of destructible clutter which, when destroyed, will also destroy any indestructible walls or cover they might have been touching. This happens regardless of whether the indestructible objects are unbaked_rendists or rendist_decor.

Is there any way to make indestructible objects truly indestructible? Or do I just have to go over the entire map with a magnifying glass ensuring no destructible objects are touching any indestructible objects?

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had similar problem.

the developer @Enginya told me that, there’s a current issue that if objects are scaled, they will lose the -2 / indestructible property.

no clue why that happens.
but just one of many… issues with the editor.


That is unfortunate. Thanks for the response though that is useful to know. Do they lose that override hitpoints properly entirely or only if the value is set to indestructible?

Could you just set everything to 9999 hitpoints of -2?


I’ve done some additional testing and the problem is not limited to rescaled objects. Even objects and decor that are at their standard scale will ignore their overrideHitPoints setting when an object touching them is destroyed. This includes a setting of -2 and a setting of 9999.

The bug affects both scaled and unscaled objects.

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What about adding +undestroyable_ri_extra postfix template to rendinst entity?

In the screen shot I had two sandbag walls, both set to indestructible, one given the undestroyable_ri_extra tag, with a destructible wooden table joining them. When the table was blown up it took out the sandbag wall that did not have the tag and removed collision from the sandbag that did have the tag. It did this with both decor sandbag walls and rendists.

My takeaway is that when you add the undestroyable_ri_extra to a rendist or decor the object does remain visually after being ‘destroyed’ but loses collision. With decor it loses collision even though the ri_extra__hasCollision box remains checked. For both decor and rendists the ri_extra__destroyed box becomes checked.

Neither unchecking the destroyed box nor toggling collision off and back on will restore collision to the object. Bullets can also pass through objects.

It is a step in the right direction, that tag would make the map look like it is still intact, but the map really becomes an illusion.

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