The amount of silver you can get from Battle Pass is 1000,2000,4000.
Increase this by 10 times to 10000,20000,40000.
The Battle Pass is content that is purchased with real money, which means that you should be able to get more Silver rewards.
Those who agree and those who disagree, please write your opinions.
We shouldn’t even have to ask for this but they’re more interested in milking the player base dry
And I just thought of something, the amount of silver you get for daily logins is garbage, like 300, so this should be multiplied by 10.
They should give 3000 to players.
And the reward for the big chest you get for logging in 30 days in a row, etc. should be 100000 + silver if it is not a gold order.
The devs may ignore this suggestion, but let’s show them that we want more silver.
Half of the Battle Pass rewards are silver rewards, but you only gain 72.000 silver in total by completing all 75 stages. Silver amount has to be increased but please dont make half of the rewards silver, give us something worth grinding for.
YEAH, I agree. There should be more gold orders.
yeah, especially weapon GO, I hate having to choose between strong and fun guns.
I can agree 100% with your idea of better rewards.
Anyway, it’s all about motivating the player. If the game’s economy is strained, players will play the game less often.
In my experience…if you want people to spend lots of money, you should give people more money.
If you get more gold order tickets, players will try to collect more gold order weapons. For example, if you get two T20Es, you will want to get two more and fill your troop weapons with them.
Also, more silver rewards motivate players and give them a chance to build more BR setups. If a player is short on silver after buying numerous ammo pouches for his soldiers and upgrading their guns, he might spend gold to buy more silver.
While you at increase the Event rewards, 300 silver for getting 20k points, is same amount for playing 10 games.
Is a joke i have 100k silver, up from 26k, but know i have like 7+ tanks all researched, yet i cant even afford to buy them,
It would also be good to give cards for vehicle decorations in the battle pass or allow infantry ones to be used.
x10 seems like too much to me but I do agree that they need to be increased, especially the daily ones.
The battle pass should give us decals and decorators for vehicles
Voucher to an old event or premium squad
Yea I agree with this I love this idea
As for silver like I said before merge it isn’t enough and I was right it suck to be right tbh
Yea that weird ngl last event have a chance of giving you 1k silver minimum and this event give 300 literally 1/10 of a cost for recruiting 1 guy it ridiculous
I have 3.1M silver that I dont need.
Without having sold any squads.
Will share some with you guys if the rewards dont go up.
Dam you haven’t been buying or upgrading gun? I assume you max everything already then
All my soldiers, weapons and vehicles are max upgraded.
I have many of each.
But I only use USA (allies before) and not all squads.
So I had just been collecting orders (which are silver now) for a long time while playing.
Dam man I only managed to get half of gear from every faction and I gotta say I really should have stick to 1 faction like you did
And now I have to spend like 100k just to buy a full squad of tier3 recruiting inflation is really high nowadays