Increase the Max Players for Each Team to 12+

The current limit of 10 per team actually is quite low. you have 2 person on a tank, 2 guys on a plane.

that means 6 players as infantry. the standard norm for squad size is around 5. Bots runs with very low numbers as well, this makes it a battle of 30 vs 30, which is insanely low for a game that is classified as a MMO WW2 Shooter.


Please consider increasing the limit to higher to make the battle much more immersive and feels like actual WW2 instead of just small squads-based game, which shouldn’t be called as a MMO anymore.

The game would be way more fun if there were more targets to kill and more teammates pushing objectives, making the battlefield more alive and immersive.


For more players in one game, we also need to extend the reachable area of maps (Enlisted have some really huge maps such as Moscow winter, Normandy villages and Berlin city centre, but they are separated into small parts now).

Introduce more players on the current map sizes may not be a good idea, because over crowded soldiers fighting in that small area is usually not the case in war, and could make explosives and automatic weapons more OP.


There’s like 5 real guy per battle, rest is bots. There’s no point to add more bots and increase are of battle. Battles took 10m around objectives anyway. :tipping_hand_man:


I’m curious about this. Don’t get me wrong…it certainly feels like that with how little some do. The amount of times I was convinced someone was so bad they were a bot, only to have them start mouthing off in chat…dont know what to think anymore

But do bot names show up in the replay player list? Cos looking through my games, there’s always 10 a side or more (leavers, group que showing up as 1)

and they all have match history’s and unique names that don’t appear to be frequents in my games.

maybe Ill just start watching a few from their perspective to see what their movements are like.

Most of the battles especially Conquest actually feels quite empty most of the time because you end up knowing how little enemies there are, take this to note yeah, but the battles are quite small scaled despite being advertised as an MMO

Warthunder also used to have the Bot issues, until it was later replaced by actual players in matchmaking like now

Not possible for near future
1-Servers could bearly handle last event
2- even if they could, we would need bigger maps to not turn matches to overcrowded mess
3-for last 2 years, people asked for bigger playable area countless times. Nothing has changed. So dont wait any change on maps soon
I dont even think devs have any intention to change maps . They did everything to turn this game gradually into cod with bots since pre alpha. Maybe that was the whole plan from the start, idk


^I agree with this…

If we get bigger maps and new and better servers (we really need those servers)
Then i will agree with OP

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Yeah bcs they should.
Ww2 was a continent stretched modern war. Not a medieval city siege slug. Hundreds of kilometres long fronts etc…
If you cluster huge amount of soldier near the fire range of enemy, guess what; your are worse commander than luigi cadorna
This is why conquest maps are the best in this game.
The team who knows how to use peripheral areas to build rallies and uses obscure route to attack enemy generally wins. Real competitive matches are in conquest mod.

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In war, there is only carnage and destruction.

That can only be achieved by 64 players.

If Planetside 2 can support 500+, then we can do 64!

The game is microtransaction filled garbage without more than 16+ players a team. The bot AI is actually ok, but I can imagine there are reachable goals for their AI and squad control improvements. Really no attack order? The game is good but needs 16+ players a team and just slightly better bots and control.

I’m down for this! especially with the new power plant levels on the normandy campaign being quite large. There’s plenty of room!

WW2 planetside 2 ftw