Incentive against plane cycling/crashing

Removing the rewards for using planes seem like there’s a lot of room for error and complaints about times where it is deserved.

Just do the april fool’s system, but in this case, you can only spawn in a plane every x (say 1k) score.

This encourages pilots to survive (suicide-dive-bombing a singular tank only nets about 600 score).


It is an infantry game, Enlisted is designed to be more than War Thunder: Infantry edition.

Adamnpee providing nothing useful to the convo for the millionth time.


Everyone is broke and he wants to add repair cost on top of that. :rofl:


Yea no. Im good on your restrictions and nerfs. Let me fly.

Best answer is here in this airfield idea - no nerfs, but by slowing down getting to the target, it incentivises staying in the air - among many other benefits towards everyone, pilots included.


And your one of those whiners who wants everything nerfed to YOUR liking. If you can’t handle a plane bombing you or rocketing you, then quite literally, get good bro. WHENEVER i am playing and there is a pilot slaughtering everyone, I GET INTO A PLANE AND SHOOT HIM DOWN. I dont get on here and whine to the devs to nerf this great game into the dirt.


I see you read nothing regarding what I said.

  1. Spawn in a plane
  2. Be useless for the 30-60 seconds it takes for you to take off from the airfield/carrier
  3. Reach the battlefield
    4a. Get shot down by an AA gun someone built in 6 seconds, or
    4b. Miss your mark
  4. Go back to land and spend another minute or two before you become useful to the team again.
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I did, and you want this game nerfed into a Infantry only game, where vehicles are nerfed so bad no one can use them or faces restrictions and bs. I disagree with that entirely, Vehicle mains are generally good, and if they suck, they generally bail after being called out for being in a stuart in a BR V match or playing poorly, we players balance in match. If im wrecking in a p47 with 57 kills in the first 10 minutes. No one says a word, if they do, i make another run and crash for the next pilot to jump in. What you suggest would make the game worse and less fun for people who dont always want to play infantry or are grinding.


Nothing I said nerfs vehicles into the ground. They are still viable. As long as you aren’t suicide crashing and don’t get shot down nothings changed. As of right now vehicles can be cycled with impunity and that shouldn’t be the case given the impact they have on the battlefield, especially on the open pacific and bulge maps

The fact that you can’t handle a minor adjustment to vehicles just shows how much you rely on them. If you don’t want to play infantry, there’s a great game called War Thunder.

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MajorMcdonald fan spotted. Abort, abort!


Well, it’s not like this discussion full of biased and not constructive opinions is worth something in the first place, lol.

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biased and not constructive opinions

You mean like yours?

I actually came from WT. 5 years of that game. And this little gem of a game released, i havent looked at WT since. LOL, a guy telling me I can’t “handle” an adjustment when he’s trying to nerf the game into a different game altogether, at the same time whining bc he’s getting bombed by planes and shot by tanks but can’t be bothered to “handle” it by getting in a tank or plane and shooting that dude down with your own skill and vehicle knowledge. This is what I and many others do. We don’t get on here and whine to nerf the game, so you can freely and safely traverse the map to your liking. If you don’t like planes or tanks, you are in the wrong game friend.

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If you want to make suicide bombing ineffective, just extend the distance between the spawn and the battlefield. That distance should be at least 2.5 times that’s the distance of the replenishment point from the battlefield.

This will make cycling the first flight ineffective. And it doesn’t have to limit vehicles in some pofidery time limit.

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I see again that you didn’t read a word I said. Or at least comprehend it, but you’re a self-admitted WT reject so that tracks.

Anyways, as I said previously, shooting down suicidal planes/GZ tanks currently does nothing because the player can just spawn another one. Typically the people doing this tactic have 3x planes or 3x tank slots so they are constantly spawning vehicles. I for one like to actually win games, so I cannot afford to spend my entire match in a tank or plane vehicle hunting.

I love how you tell me how to play the game. And yes, if I’m a good pilot and doing well, why do i have to be punished or nerfed by bad players who can’t cope or adapt? Players like you who just sit there looking up getting bombed, No AA, no rallies, no markers, you don’t get in a plane to shoot him down, you get on here and try to punish good players with nerfs. This is that woke stuff. “Im not good so everyone else has to suck too”. Players like you are why games die, LITERALLY GET GOOD. LITERALLY. (that means build an effective lineup that can adapt to the battlefield)

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Is this the part where everyone starts showing off their statcards to present their qualifications?


show me yours and ill show you mine… :face_with_monocle: