Incentive against plane cycling/crashing

The most efficient way to use an airplane is currently to spawn it, fly to the battlefield, fly directly at the enemy tank and throw out your ordnance the second before you crash.

This saves you around 1.5 minutes that you would spend pulling back up, turning around towards your resupply point, flying there and turning back around to the battlefield. Even if you’re not a premium user, you are generally still more efficient crashing and spawning as an infantry squad in the meantime. It also makes it possible to land your bombs on target without hours of practice.

From my experience, around 40%-60% of pilots use this strategy.

There have also been various suggestions that make it less likely for players to choose this option: Airfields, bomber sights, …

Here is an additional concrete plan to make the strategy non-viable for farming:

Pilots no longer receive EXP immediately, but instead receive potential EXP. These potential EXP are paid out as follows:

  • If your plane crashes/has already crashed and your pilot dies/has died in the crash (or on the field without getting tagged), you do not receive your EXP.

  • If your plane is shot down, you eject from the plane and the pilot survives, you perform a crash landing and the pilot survives or if the match ends, you receive 100% of your potential exp.

  • If you perform a landing with an intact plane, you receive 130% of your potential exp instead of the current +100 score bonus and faster plane respawn.

This means that plane cyclers no longer receive any reward for their current crash strategy. And if they try and circumvent this system by ejecting from the plane, they A) still do not receive EXP if their pilot does not survive the drop, or B) Must play their pilot until they take damage from an enemy unit, since killing the pilot with e.g. your own molotov will still not pay out their potential exp.

This is owed to how the game’s tagging system works. This system also comes with a major issue concerning my suggestion which I’ll describe in a comment.

Lastly, the bonus for a successful landing addresses a different point that makes sense to include here: One pilot may occupy the plane for the entire match. There have been suggestions to impose a penalty on this, which I am strictly against. This 130% EXP multiplier, however, incentivizes successful pilots to cash out on all of their earned exp by landing - and in turn opening up the plane slot to a different player. (On airfields/aircraft carriers, players should be repaired as usual after landing but can choose to exit the plane afterwards instead of taking off again if they want the 130% EXP multiplier)


Now, the issue with the tagging system: Currently, as soon as your plane takes a single point of damage from an enemy, all potential deaths from crashing, as well as ejecting from the plane or even landing(!!) are attributed to that player who last dealt damage to you - and for the entirety of the match.

If this wasn’t seen as a very flawed logic until now, then at least it certainly would in the context of my suggestion.

So here’s a proposed rework to vehicle tagging:

  • A minimum amount of damage dealt to a vehicle is required to tag it in the first place. 2-3 rounds from small arms fire mustn’t be enough to be considered the killing blow (unless they actually hit and kill the pilot)

  • Tags only last for a maximum duration, so the pilot cannot capitalize on having been hit to then turn around and crash onto the tank in a second strafe.

You could introduce repair costs.
You could also lock the aircraft for a set time if you crash it, like in war thunder.




Your second suggestion is already integrated in the game, with the 2 squads you must spawn before you can spawn the same plane again (though premium users can omit this with extra planes). There is also a timer for the individual aircraft already, it’s about 1:30 IIRC. Neither of these do a good job at preventing plane cycling so I think it’s the wrong approach.

Repair costs, presumably silver, would reinforce the backlash against the already criticized availability of silver. This may not be an issue to you if you’re used to War Thunder’s economy, which from what I have heard is even harder to sustain, but I don’t think the playerbase would take it well.

The system I proposed, by comparison, ALWAYS disarms plane cyclers no matter the frequency, and it also affects ONLY them for the most part. Sure, every pilot will crash into a house every then and again while trying to get too close a look at their targets with too little momentum, but by and large it’s the plane cyclers who crash the most.

Fun fact:

It used to be this way: suicide bombers received 0 xp for kills happening after they crashed.

I do not know why it got removed…


Sometimes I get unlucky and get my pilot killed by the first hit my plane takes from the enemy, as long as I get full XP for my previous deeds even with such spot of bad luck, than I have no problem whatsoever with this suggestion.

Because accidental crashes had the same outcome.

Yeah, it’s important that you get your reward as per usual if you genuinely get shot down. I completely agree with that and I’ve tried to mind that in my categorization.

Shooting the pilot is the meta strat for air play as well so it’s all the more vital.

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Sounds like it was just a unintended bug

Suicide bombers could also just wait till they get kills, and then crash making it pointless

What if you accidentally crashed? What if you were shot down by a fighter or AA and dropped your bombs last second? Bringing It back would just create frustrating moments for regular plane users


Honestly, just make all vehicles have a several minute cooldown timer after deaths.

Planes can’t be cycled because players have to wait several minutes to hop in another one. The noob spamming stuarts in BR5 isn’t burning tickets constantly with a XP piñata.

More importantly, this makes shooting down planes actually worthwhile. Right now you shoot one down and the player is right back in one. Kill em fast and you have air superiority for a little bit. Same principle with greyzone tanks. Cooldown timers would actually have a beneficial impact for your team if said team is proactive in neutralizing enemy vehicles. Plus it also gives the chance for other players to get into vehicles instead of one slot being hogged by “vehicle mains”


This sounds like it. Increases infantry play, removes sorry for accidental crashers, and decreases the number of XP pinatas!


Not really: suicide bombers are bad pilots by default… they suicide bomb because it’s a sure way not to miss their targets, going in a straight line. They aren’t good enough to bomb accurately, pull up, watch successfully exploded target, THEN crash…


Biased opinion of wannabe eSporter who’s trying to transform Enlisted into “infantry game”.

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Removing the rewards for using planes seem like there’s a lot of room for error and complaints about times where it is deserved.

Just do the april fool’s system, but in this case, you can only spawn in a plane every x (say 1k) score.

This encourages pilots to survive (suicide-dive-bombing a singular tank only nets about 600 score).


It is an infantry game, Enlisted is designed to be more than War Thunder: Infantry edition.

Adamnpee providing nothing useful to the convo for the millionth time.


Everyone is broke and he wants to add repair cost on top of that. :rofl:


Yea no. Im good on your restrictions and nerfs. Let me fly.

Best answer is here in this airfield idea - no nerfs, but by slowing down getting to the target, it incentivises staying in the air - among many other benefits towards everyone, pilots included.