Improving AI must now be a top priority

With the release of the game on steam, now a lot of new people will have access to the game, which is good, however they have to do something with the enlisted AI before it is released on steam. It is the main mechanic of the game and the WORST worked on, if something is not done about it, it could scare away a considerable number of new players and obviously this would affect the reviews of the game.

For the sake of the game, we ask that you please start taking the enlisted AI seriously and working hard with it. I know that programming an AI is not an easy thing, but we trust in the capabilities of the development team.

Some interesting improvements I would like for the AI ​​are: Return the ability for bots to aim and shoot at the area marked by the player
-ability of bots to pass through windows and debris
-return the ability of bots to find cover and improve it
-improve the reaction capacity of the bots, there are times that they do not shoot even when the enemy is 3 meters away from them and other times they shoot at you from impossible distances
-ability to recognize Allied and enemy vehicles

Those are a few of the many improvements I would like to see in AI.


I, too, would welcome ideas for improving the AI performance in the game. Keep in mind, however, that those improvements can’t be reliant on keyboard+mouse to pull off or it would break feature parity with the controller-based players and give PC players an undue advantage.

The first thing I would want improved is their pathing. I had the 506th paratroopers at Ver-Sur-Mer just this morning and I couldn’t order my troopers to set up in a bunker. Even though they were right behind me when I went through the open door, ordering them to “set up over there” (to basically guard my back) and they ran around and around the outside of the bunker until they were all picked off.



I very much agree!

Honestly, one thing that I think NEEDS to be implemented and built upon would be the ability to give AI additional types of interactions.
By this I mean that currently if you tell AI to interact with a fortification of some kind, ESPECIALLY FRIENDLY ones, they will walk up to it and break it down. This should NOT be the case.

  • If an order is given on a sandbag wall, the AI should attempt to take cover behind that sandbag wall and others nearby, from the side that the order was given from.
    While stationed at that location, they will prioritize targets in the 180 degrees on the other side of the sandbag walls, while still trying to stay safe, only popping up to take a couple shots, then immediately get back in cover.

  • If an order is given on a friendly ammo box, and AI that are missing a magazine or more will go up and refill their ammo.
    (I would like to note that I think the current system of AI NOT using ammo from their reserves is broken and needs to be changed. Ammo boxes are easy enough to build and ammo pouches exist but are only ever used on select characters BECAUSE AI do not consume reserve ammo. Making this change would significantly help game balance as a whole.)

  • (H)MG nests, allow them to use these nests but with some limitations.

    • smaller angle of targeting
    • a delay the further out the target is
    • add in inaccuracy to some degree so that its not just a laser.
  • AA guns, Currently players are allowed to build 2 AA guns, but can only operate one of them at a time. Often times planes manage to absorb a large number of hits before going down.
    So what I would like to see is AI capable of using the other AA simultaneously and aiming approximately where the player on their AA gun is, according to the lead indicator in front of planes. This allows a potential crossfire and far more potential to eliminate planes effectively.

  • AT field guns, infantry will already hop on to the field gun, but they are incapable of using it themselves.
    What I would like to see is a function where the player can act as a spotter for the AI on the field gun, perhaps the angle of view is displayed with mostly transparent colored lines, and can tell the AI to fire upon a certain location with HE or AP shells.

  • Similarly the AI need to be capable of using their mortars when equipped with them. Similar to this suggestion from before:
    Unique Squad Structure: Mortar Pits (Revised)
    Something similar could be made for AT squad interactions as well. Allowing the player to order simultaneous shots fired by their AT soldiers.

  • Aso the ability to order AI to prioritize player dug trenches.

Things like this could greatly help the core of the AI element in the game, then they can build out more from there.


before improving the AI, they should first fix the bugs…

As for machine guns operated by AI, that would be a great way to introduce jams. Let the machine guns jam but only when AI are operating them. If AI successfully clears the jam, reduce the likelihood they will experience another one.

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the passive and aggressive modes of the bots have practically no difference, given that if they are in an area to be defended they have a very slow response time. although the soldiers are higher class with perks to have better tappets… I would suggest:
1.- to base the bots on the statistics entered by the player
2.- to use the database of player movements in order to improve the performance of the bots as they move.
3.- that bots can use shelter more effectively and not throw themselves into barbed wire.


I get what you are saying, but for balance reasons I would disagree.

Specifically because of how fragile the (H)MG nests are.

  • The standard MG nest is literally broken by a SINGLE bullet hitting the gun
  • The HMG nest is broken by about 3 bullets hitting the gun.

Since they took out the ability to stack sandbags, it is incredibly difficult to set these up cover to avoid getting easily destroyed.
So unless they bring back the ability to stack sandbags, or perhaps add in a windowed sandbag option, or simply increase the durability of both of the guns, they will continue to be easy to take out. Meaning that if players are dumb enough to not put fire on the nest, there should NOT be another mechanic like jamming added that gives the enemy an advantage.

Uh, I think you misunderstand what this is for then.

Passive means they won’t attempt to shoot at enemies. It makes it easier for snipers and such to stay concealed when this is activated.

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it’s infinitely more of a priority to fix the AI than ridiculous bugs, do you know why?, because the main reason for the lack of game retention is the useless and cluttering AI

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You missed that there aren’t actually two modes. There’s just passive-aggressive.

The times that I find the game the most fun are when I can get my radio, engineer, and sniper all in an overlook position together after my BAR has died and my sniper picked up as a secondary. Engineer drops an ammo crate and then ducks for cover. Radio ducks for cover and just operates his radio when I tell him to. Sniper has the BAR and a scoped Enfield.

The AI squad members are only useful to me for their unique squad abilities and as a “second or third” life if my Sniper gets popped and I need someone else to look down the scope. It’s the absolute best when you lead a target running full sprint 300 yards away and pop them right in the face lol

totally agree, since AI is the characteristic trait of Enlisted and it is the worst, in 2020 Darkflow said they were working on it and to date 2024 there are no advances, the AI still does not seem to be even remotely intelligent beings, so I propose that to avoid the bad notes of Enlisted on Steam that they outsource the work to other developers who do know how to program AI and if they do not do it for reasons of the game engine etc. That they make it transparent that they say the reasons why in 2024 the game’s AI looks like 90s games, I have seen mods of old games like Stalker that have a much better AI than in Enlisted and I propose an easy solution, make the AI very good and intelligent but to compensate make it do half or a third of the damage that a player does to make it more fair, but at least they do not look like headless chickens on the battlefield and that 1 random comes and kills 30 bots without effort and uploads a clip on Enlisted pages.

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nah… there are many reasons why retention is bad and AI is just a minor reason. fixing core of the game is more important than AI improvement. ffs they have been working on AI for years and it is stupid to expect devs to suddenly fix the AI in few months when they couldnt do it for years.

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Do you think that a person is going to stop playing because a stick mine doesn’t work, or because in all the games he feels that his bots are only in the way and looks to the side for 3 seconds and they are all dead, think about it.

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Just curious, as what you meant by this?

nah, not cause of 1 bug… but when he encounters dozens of bugs in one game… stretchy people, immortal soldiers, not being able to shoot bazookas through windows/doors, putting people in match that is almost finished, buggy customization, broken AI pathfinding, broken textures, invisible hitboxes etc.

and you suggest having more competent bots than 90% of the playerbase? cause that will end up well… at least now bots are incompetent for both teams.

Well, if they don’t like them to learn how to play better, you have to level up not down, the game becomes tremendously boring and frustrating when a guy with an SMG kills 20 bots without any opposition from 2 meters away.

It was a joke. Have you never heard of someone being called “passive-aggressive?”

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NP, thought you may have had a issue with settings :smile:

would i like smarter AI? yes. but it is not possible short term and i dont trust that dev team has skills to implement it in long term.

ffs we still have AI getting stuck on default spawns and you expect them to make complex AI? i would be happy if they fixed AI so that it isnt getting stuck on default spawn for once…