Improvements to Battle Tasks and Achievements

Like giving bonus XP for battle task so you may gain more than 1 card per match?

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@DisconnecT83 could you please clarify what exactly you mean with “16 additional silver logistics”? Is that 16 orders in an account’s lifetime? Or for the battle pass duration? Or per week? Per day?

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I assume that it’s 16… life time,
As if they are for achievements they won’t be repeatable.

Although repeatable challenges/ achievements would be cooler, like Per 100 tanks/ planes you get 1 (I’d like more but still) silver tickets.

Then this change is completely irrelevant and does not fix the issue at hand. We need AT LEAST 3 bronze or 1 silver orders per 10-15min of gameplay to progress at an acceptable pace. Anything less will not cut it.

And why add silver orders if less than 1% of the orders you’ll receive in the game’s lifetime will be silver?


Oh agreed, I played for about 3 - 4 hours earlier and I think I got 4 bronze drops total and got maybe one or 2 useful troops.

I haven’t been bothered to use the bronze weapon ones, I got a sting of 1* MP-28s and I’m still salty.


Don’t forget equipment no longer drops from the weapon crate and you have to buy those separately now :clown_face: and you get no spare parts from silver drops either so that stuff got even worse



I can understand the removal of the XP related drops because in premium you can earn up to 20k so from one game, but you could still not even earn 1 or 2 bronze drops from that game.

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Let the premium buyers enjoy the increased order again instead of cucking them through increased leveling speed without providing enough troop orders to replace the maxed out soldiers, lmao. The only reason to get prem rn is because of the P2W advantages, and to be allowed to buy the extra crew slots


Think I have only actually sent a handful of troops to the academy, I just don’t have any to spare at the moment.

Before I had far too many and was overwhelmed, now I barely have any full strength units.

+100% Wehrmacht realism

Let’s just hope they don’t add troop fatigue into the roster :rofl:

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Nah first they have to add delivery mechanic where you have to send two soldiers alongside your order to retrieve the gear in the equipment depot :clown_face: one will get promoted there and will never come back :clown_face: but the second one will carry that new gun for you with 10% of him losing it somewhere on the way back :clown_face:

Honestly that + CBT order amount would probably not even be much worse than the current system lmfao

Just shows the trash tier level of the current progression system…


On topic of not enough cards or more cards added or whatever
XP gain should give cards like in close beta
keep every 3000xp get a card (bronze)
then every 10000xp get silver card, perhaps overwriting bronze card would get
3000 (bronze), 6000 (bronze), 10000 (silver)


It’s not just that. You’re also prohibited from playing the way you want and even from playing to win. It’s demoralizing and ruins gameplay for everyone, including those who payed to skip the torture. Also something tells me that by training players not to play to win they’ll end up with a very peculiar playerbase over time.

The only type of tasks that doesn’t affect gameplay (and thus there’s no risk of affecting it negatively) is actually “play X battles in game mode / campaign Y”, but they have other issues associated with them.


the game forces you to buy things to enjoy since you cant get enough orders for the camoaigns

It’s cool they’re working on it but come on listen to the community…all you have to do is bring back the 3K exp drops as bronze. Why is it I can get a 10K exp game and get NOTHING? Reward people for doing well in battle.


I totally agree with this idea, i haven’t played the game in closed beta and i feel like removing this xp system was a very bad choice. Not getting enough soldiers and weapons is the main problem for me at the moment. I just reached level 7 in the Normandy campaign and i was so excited to start using the G43, but i only have 2 of them and i can’t get anymore at the moment.
Bring back the xp system from the closed beta and the game is going to be much more enjoyable.


Or atleast give us troops orders for 3-5k exp and keep weapons in tasks

Please can you add some method of easily identifying who your friends are in the battlefield? Such as their squad number or even name above their head of the soldier they’re playing! It’ll improve playing with friends massively as currently its hard to determine

A good change would be. If I have not yet unlocked a flamethrower squad/soldier. Don’t give me Flamethower Task. Impossible to do.

There should be a check on tasks if the player can do it or not.

I get the damn mortar task all the time but I have not unlock mortars yet.


And when you do you will have one with almost no way of getting more. Better do good with him before he dies

We really shouldn’t settle for anything less than both types of bronze orders obtainable for XP.