Improve vehicles

I recently got the german sdkfz 251/9 and was so excited just to figure out … its pretty bad. Getting stuck constantly on like not even pot holes bumps will just stick in in place it also cant go up hills larger than like 10 degree’s or it’ll slide like a hockey puck. it’s super slow I’ve never gotten above 10 mph if that which makes getting to points take forever. Also who made it have a cool down for respawning? most people wont pick it just because of the extra 15 seconds cool down. One thing that’s cool is its armor is super wonky so surviving a direct hit from an is 2 is common. These problems aren’t exclusive to this vehicle but this is the one I’m most familiar to I know that driving physics in this game are just generally weird.

So obviously what needs to be fixed is increasing it’s speed but also increase its traction plus engine power. If possible reduce or remove the respawn cooldown. (Also please god unless you have constructive criticism don’t comment.)


In addition to this mastodon for towing tanks, the Germans should also get a normal truck like any other nation:

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true but before adding more vehicles they should fix sliding around like a glass on a wet table its horrible.

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