Improve tanks crossing trenches

All too often when I am pushing up or retreating in a tank I get stuck in trenches, no matter the tank, I get stuck and am forced to bail, but if you could drive forward and backwards better and destroy the metal roof things on the trenches, you could get out easier, just a small quality if life suggestion.


It seems to help this by increasing groundCollisionSoftness:r=60.0

I increased the value of this parameter in bigAction gamemode, the tank seems can easily cross the trench


I’m on console though, so sadly I can’t do that, thanks though

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they really need to fix tank movement and not just crossing trenches. ffs you get stuck on all the weird stuff. had one time when i got stuck on pebble from where wall collapsed.

here is other time i got stuck

You can still join the bigAction room in the custom games lobby if you see its title.

~It only works in bigAction room

I’m on at times where there are only around 5 customs and they are all squads or lone fighters, and I’ll rarely see some gun games or something like that, and I can’t say I have seen it on the customs browser, thanks though

BigAction is being marked as lonefighters but actually its a squads mode with 50 players.

You can just checkout every room’s title~


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