Improve consistency of squad upgrades UI (on example of flamethrower squads)

I was just checking FT squads when I saw this:

Each squad has completely different arrangement of upgrades.
And also 2 squads have access to ampulomet while other 2 don’t (tier/level doesn’t matter like in case of engineer squads).

I know this is super minor thing but it just screams “I don’t give a fuck”. So it would be nice to standardize those things at some point (like within 2-3 years).


This gives some variety between the squads. Depending on what kind of set up you want, you can choose which squad you’d rather take. Not to mention if you take them all then you have flexibility within those squads to do different things in a single match

As for the ampulomet, Stalingrad exclusive that is now in the wild. Mildly annoying

Dude what?!
Those squads are identical except for ampulomet. It’s just UI that is all over the place. (Unless I missed something.) There is no choice.
And taking ampulomet is no brainer as it has 0 disadvantages. Except for extra grind but that doesn’t matter during the match.

So what you write here is complete nonsense.


Sorry, I have like 1-2 bars of LTE data at work and the images hadn’t loaded in yet so I had to take some guesses on what you meant. I guessed poorly (although different set ups would be cool to have)
Yeah I’d have to agree with you on the messy UI

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i might be wrong but the different loadout it just pre merge squads vs tech tree i dont think its really a problem and most people will not get affected by it