impressive what ? Ab41 ? that nerfed fiat multipla whose cannon generates so much heat the entire tunis dried off because of it to total desert… which is shame cause i love it too
I really hope some vehicles will be reworked after the war thunder conversion. Poor AB seriously feels crippled… At the very least they could boost it’s mg reload time.
I myself posted on this not to long ago, the biggest annoyance for me is the 2 cm over heats after 6 round, and then you have but two rounds left to fire, before it reloads, much frustration…
Basically I don’t see why the 2 cm on it needs a overheat penalty, when you only have 8 round clips for it.
they made every autocannon tank into trash, becouse reasons
They nerfed them because they were useless.
However since all Pacific vehicles are even worse than useless, with the exception of that US MG AA truck - they decided to nerf all Auto gun vehicles based on the forum feedback about that specific AA vehicle.
i ddint knew but given the standard of df i am not surprised, disappointed i do
Can someone explain why in Tunisia the axis forces are always low level and plain stupid? I played 40 games and I have 2% win rate it’s frustrating. In allied side there is alway 7/8 marshall players, do people dislike axis that much?
Because Axis is more boring.
Really? Why?
You can get almost everything in other campaigns excluding a bunch of Ital stuff which mostly sucks hard. Why bother the mess for a Italian sniper rifle and Italian bomber fighter?
Ah ok, I don’t play for the unlocks so I was not aware of this. I’m Italian and I wanted to mess around with Italian forces but, man, is almost impossible to win a match
dam DF bias