Important news about the upcoming update



Soon™ to be delayed*


So uh, if you dont mind me asking? Whens really the next update?

No. It isn’t.

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I can’t answer on that one

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Answers have been delayed for 8 days, please come back later


mmm, I find it ironic how the supposed new battle pass format would avoid delays and now that format is suffering from WORSE delays than the old battle pass.

I honestly don’t know what the hell is going on with the development team, but seriously this situation is a disgrace and I think this is the first time I’ve seen a video game have problems updating on a platform.

Regarding the reward, I expected something much better to be honest.


Oi, you gits. You fink yous gonna impress us with some flashy dakka? Yous aight. Just let the boyz grab some flashiest bitz an shootas. Not sum boosters, if you want to go fasta paint it red.


Quite a shame, but oh well I suppose let the cook keep cooking then

Isnt an update or battlelpass issue as stated up from James, one of them platforms has a huge issue with the next update and the new version can’t be launched

We will tell about it in the announcement that we preparing, sorry for taking so long with it.


You’re the last person here who should be apologizing for anything.


Still doesn’t change the fact that their comp is paltry at best. Like it’s been an entire BP period.

  • change the arbitrary timelines they keep putting out to indefinite. Explain clearly in an announcement in-game and on all communication platforms what’s going on, as much as possible.
  • give out more GOs of each type on a regular basis until the issue is resolved.

Boom, playerbase is at least satiated to a degree. No more checking in every week just to get disappointed. More shiny toys to get of every type to help players collect more gear. It’s not like DF has to go mine for gold to make the orders or something.


Ah, but that would require extra time or some minor creativity (like recycling old junk). Go 2 measly weapon orders and pitiable boosters.

you know what… on second that’s a good a deal

Can you at least set up a silver box for players who have unlocked everything?


/s means he was being sarcastic.

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my mistake. forgot about first extension on 19th.

And as usual you always somehow find a way to fall short especially when it comes to the XP booster and gold order and not like the XP booster actually really means anything with how broken public matches are to begin with.

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