Battle Pass season postponement

You and me both! I love any and all new content for Japan and I’m very keen for the Hino!

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Screenshot 2025-03-10 111218


i don’t really mind as this whole thing keeps going. words means absolutely nothing anyway when it comes to either promises or dates. then act surprised when the community behaves with any skepticism. with how vague each answer gets, it’s really hard to believe it’s it’s not outside your own control. i’m not excluding that as an actual option and reason, but you guys aren’t making your situation any better. might as well haven’t said a thing and just resest the whole count for a whole month.

how come not many other games have similar issues?
i dont think bp is a foreign concept in 2025 over the gaming industries.

crazy to think no man sky had a rough situation and somehow came on top.
but miracles do not happens always.

with that being said, guess we’ll take the gold order.
( even though i wished for a vehicle one ).

conspiracy theory ahead:

maybe this whole ordeal was an inside job to postpone the gold order shop so more people woukd buy and gain something along with it. before letting the old goose go. ( which i would like to remember that almost universally the old shop was better than the new format. which not only was straight up better, but delays were much shorter than this new one ).

but i can’t confirm it nor disprove it.

anyway, looking forward to that event at this point.



I dunno tho. Its just one of those things. Be afraid to speak of certain issues also on top of it. Or comment on issues mentioned without being banned.

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With how you do things this is honestly just horrendous because you can somehow magically never seem to drop the ball when it comes to the Soviets or the allies but when it comes to Germany or Japan getting anything you can somehow magically drop the ball on it and with how you’re doing things which seem to be only letting us get more weapons from the BP this is just moronic and that seems to be the content policy with how things are going.

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My reaction reading those 2 words.

Anyway. Truth is:

  • The new “revamped BP”, is a complete failure. On all fronts. Combined with senseless gold order shop removal.

Nothing more to say.


“Trust me Bro” as a person


Who was here when i said who wanna bet it would be delayed again? Well its again :grin:

I love how they say very soon on this magical event thats coming out. I bet thee event will be delayed by 9 days as well because of unforeseen problems with another platform.


I should have never doubt. Bout that, do yall think the update will be suspended again no?

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Is the postponement due to the planned replacement of pass weapons? After all, the Hino rifle is a fake

Don’t make them too embarrassed. We’d better not expose this lie.

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Alright I understand. Just one question though, why can’t you release an event or something like that? That has nothing to do with the BP right?

Or is everything being delayed?


Yes hahaha

We planning to do one asap.


can you give us a time frame on when this event would be out


Come on, that’s even more lame now.

I mean, thanks for the gold order i guess but now with third long delay you really should be more generous.

3rd delay, you give us all 3 GOs. Soldier, vehicle, weapon.


At least give us appearance order rotation as well for the 9 days, maybe 30 orders instead of xp booster


I think its planned or at least it was passed to the devs, that is what James told me in my suggestion aimed at improving the repetable tasks.
But they obviously can’t change the rewards of an active pass, maybe they will considering the severity of the situation implement improvements in the next BP, but I doubt it since even these small things usually take multiple months.