Important news about the upcoming update

Last warning, those kind of stuff doesn’t matter here, government, political, religious, nationalism or any kind of similar discussion who steps outside the gaming sphere isn’t allowed


Lol, when I saw the yesterday notification on discord, I thought it was to announce that they had fixed the problem and were launching the BP sooner than expected. But no, it was the outlisted. How naive of me.


so, when are we going to be compensated ? And I don’t mean some useless boosters.


Thats a good question, i’m wondering too.
#insert Give 3 Gold Order Meme here by Valkay


A governmental system is not political …

Mate wtf :joy::joy::joy:


Okay guys, there’s nothing we can do now, it’s time to say goodbye to the golden orders.

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We still have 2 days to use them so for the persons who get the 15 days box wish you the best luck


My next one is 2 days after the new season starts :frowning_face: ah well, I wasn’t really needing any GOs and I probably would have pulled a booster or some silver anyways

What are they replacing them with? I have 12 across weapons soldiers and vehicles. The weapons they have are junk. Just let me trade them all for Condors.

so 2 days more till new extension?


hopefully it gets release or if they do extend it hopefully they tell us by tomorrow instead of waiting till the last hour

I was thinking about posting the same :smiley:

Man, bugs are this game are recurring, some of them for the third time after being “fixed”. The game was much less buggy in 2021. There is no going back to that quality that it had before the merge.

I’m taking a hiatus from the game until they return then

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good bye then

Are people still crying over the merge? Get over it kid, it happened years ago and it’s not going back.

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anybody wanna place some bets the BP gets delayed again


Tomorrow is SUPPPOSED to be the new battle pass one can only hope and wonder…


Let’s guess if there will be an update tonight? :thinking:

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Don’t fuck it up snail

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