Important news about the upcoming update

I like how the new BP Season format was supposed to avoid the catastrophe of 1 delay per Season, but instead it has given us the catastrophe of multiple delays now (and possibly counting.)

Actually kinda impressive.

Oh and the compensation is really bad. Boosters? Yeah boosters are useless, they will be wasted in conquest or on a bad team, so the XP gain is going to be minimal.


Forum is maybe 10% of the Playerbase, imagine the rage around it :rofl:


Its so greedy to, like why the fuck would they care about one more GO weapon? They want extra sales during this 4th delay?


They never even explained why they remove gold shop or gold orders altogether. So not very surprisingā€¦


According to James, this delay was not due to the battle pass itself but the update planned to release with it.


More specifically

So giving for good isnā€™t the PC and neither the current console Gen, is probably or PS4 or Xbox series X/S


there are a lot of companies that would immediately fire people for missing deadlines this many times in a row


This is garbage I dont NEED nor WANT a booster(s) is anyone held accountable for their actions over there THIS PROBLEM SHOULD BE ALL HAND ON DECK WORKING AROUND THE CLOCK SO THIS DOESNT HAPPEN A 4TH TIME AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF NO GO TICKETS NOT EVEN A SALE what a joke who is running things overthere is this the best we can come up with been done with current pass since first delay so just keep repeating for a pathetic 1000 silver and crappy booster(s) I know nothing will come out of this except another delay for some reason or another see you in another week to find out the reason for the next delay stay tunedā€¦


They want to remove gold orders so players cannot receive free gold order guns through events or daily crates, hope that helps


I got the reason for next weeks delay BIGFOOT WAS SPOTTED and for this reason we have to extented the battle pass again by another week. But heres a 50% boosterā€¦



Dear gents and gals at DF,

Bro. Iā€™m a free player. First of all, where is my gold. I have basically finished the first ā€œnewā€ BP of 2025 twice by now. Itā€™s been 49 days since the release.

Your words, not mine:

"Starting from the First Season of 2025, players with the basic BP (free) can get 50 Gold for free once they reach level 28 of the Battle Pass.

The Gold reward for Elite BP owners was moved from level 27 to level 23 and was adjusted from 400 to 350 Gold. Such players will still receive 1000 Gold for completing the entire Battle Pass - 100 Gold more than the cost of it!

As a reminder, Elite BP owners receive four unique weapons, two unique soldiers and two unique vehicle camouflages by progressing in the Battle Pass. Meanwhile, players with basic BP receive one weapon and one unique soldier of the season. "

Basically, as a free player I have lost promised free gold, weapon, a unique soldat and 2-3 days of my life. I got a free weapon as an apology and a useless booster. I couldnā€™t care less.

At least, if you dear friends at DelayForce had some guts, I and others should be given what was promised and the already given apology weapon PLUS A VEHICLE OR UNIQUE SQUAD OF CHOICE. Please NEVER give out lame boosters ever again.

I am on the verge of uninstalling, and bunch of my paid BP friends stopped playing weeks ago, but they were willing to come back soon. Now, I donā€™t think I will play with them again, so thank you. I have met great people in this game and we talk and share stuff everyday about our lives. Seems like Enlisted is not going to be part of our lives anymore.

We need a rally point more than ever, but you actively refuse to build one.

Sincerely, JoeRogan87 out.


Maybe they did and the BP is postponed since there arenā€™t enough people working on them.


Itā€™s dev speak for ā€œwhoops, where is another bug we encountered upon this release attempt and we need another dev cycle to fix itā€.


Well put as always. Hope to see you back if they can get their shit together - this is a fun game when it fucking works


XBox series X is current Gen console.

I guess those fast planes are breaking this WW2 game?


well i thought they would have a pre order first if it were true

so im just gonna assume not

They straight up finessed us. Lied right to us. Told us all about free gold and all to keep our heads in the game. Why all the prison promises? Just give us what we fairly deserve to say the least and we would all stop complaining. Its not really complianing its addressing a big difference.


I doubt it.

So your doing away with letting ps4 players play. Forcing people to upgrade why.