If that were true why are we Losing the gold shop and why have the Germans and the Japanese haven’t got anything substantial then.
You answered your own question
Reduce his ban time by 99%
well now im 7k away from finishing Jap TT guess i will finish it and enable join any team to hopefully help the German and Jap
cause they need all the help they can get to fight russian
The problem is we’re losing the shop and any choice of variety and we were giving it up for more faster system which was obviously a lie at this point.
By 99.9 percent ive done less time for actual crime ridiculous
at this rate we’ll get the new BP when his sentence is over
Don’t understand in the way that we give them shit about it. Its like talking to a wall. Its a pattern and the only way to make things change faster is to not spend money on it.
1000 years … maybe in the next life
Sorry life(s)
That’s got literally nothing to do with my proposal to give everyone gold orders as a comp for delayed bp, you understand that right?
We are losing the gold store because the devs are lazy and greedy - they don’t want to produce so much content and they are willing to destroy a perfectly good system for more FOMO. That’s the greed: new BP is 100% about fomo maximising since you cannot get the stuff afterwards like with gold orders. So they want to force everyone every time into the bp.
Plus there are some secondary fake benefits like getting the content more reliably but they are not competent enough to execute on that bs as we can see.
Why didn’t germans and japs get the anything? Well they did (some soldiers and skins) and japan will get more stuff in 14 days or so when the pass releases. Part of the design, 3/4 factions are always out from main rewards
yep also remember that before they give f2p some of their gold back they literally get nothing.
Why so stingy. Give us all a GOLD VEHICLE ORDER. Another thing to give us is a BOOSTER that lasts until the ISSUE is FIXED. Along with the GO.
If you’ve played a big action mod you will know we have so much content that we’re being artificially capped for no reason except to make the FOMO even worse and with how things are going we’re gonna Be getting gold weapon orders that we used to get from the shop but now we have to get from gambling.
Btw this is what it currently feel like rn just saying
Like seriously a 50% XP boost for three games
They make fun of the players, buying units is extremely expensive and they only give us 50% Boost XP for three games.
Why do they mock us that face?
I dont see why we cannot be compensated a Gold Vehicle Order. Ngl im fed up of gold weapon orders id like a Gold Vehicle one. But a gold order is a gold order whether a vehicle or weapon.
Why is this meme still relevant?
I could just keep posting this forever.
I said brfore that the new BP was the beginning of the end,but Inever thought it would come to fruition.I don’t expect anything from DF anymore.DF will ignore what we say and rorget the forum exists.