IMPORTANT! Even maximum FOV is too low for some people!

Hello there!
I just downloaded the game yesterday and It would be amaizing if not one thing. Simply the FOV (Field of View in this game is too low even when set to max.

Low FOVs like this can cause some people feel sick, nausea or just overwhelmed, bad. There are plenty of threads on the internet talking about this. You’ve probably heard that minimum FOV not to cause this problems is 90. For example CS:GO is locked to 90.

The problem is that every game has different type of measuring FOV. In CS it’s 90 in HDEG 4:3 which in Enlisted is around 106 becouse Enlisted uses HDEG 16:9.

It really throw away a lot of people even when they overall like the game. I know that lower FOVs can be more cinematic etc. but what if some players can’t even play the game?

I would increase it to 110 maximum, but at least 100 would be nice.

I really hope You can to increase it, so more players can play Your game. Btw. this game is quite nice and has unique style and mechanics.

Thanks for hearing me out.


Couldn’t agree more, I cannot play this game for too long due to getting severe motion sickness as a PC player due to zoomed in FOV.

I love this game but donno how long will I keep playing like this. Having major headaches after play sessions.

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Something more like this

I am used to 105-120 im most games nowdays is kinda standard. Going down to 90 makes it a frustrating experience.

Disagree. Nothing above 90 is standard and shouldnt be forced or even allowed in some cases.

90 what? Hdeg 4:3, Hdeg 16:9, Vertical? And there is no standard btw. It should be easly adjustable with wide range, You see the example above.

having read all the guides and tutorials about fov settings wont give you additional sliders in the game, isnt? So assumed its 90degree given in any game regardless anything else. Start the game, see defaults, its never above 90.


Nice talk here.

Not saying it should be forced but at least give us the option. Having a 27 inches monitor on a desk is horrible for 90 FOV. Im literally getting nausea because how zoomed in it is.

That is why CoD got a FoV slider even for consoles. Because some people play with regular desk/monitor on consoles.

I didn’t say there is any standard.

And look at this, like I said games has different fov measuring system.

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Maybe, but its still very debatable, allowing people to configure their FIELD OF VISION, shadows, foliages, and other things - is just unfair and game breaking at some point. You think the game should allow something to care about people who need this, but you cant ignor the fact that there are other people who are going to dislike this.

Nor did i

What I ment for standard. Is that most AAA games come with a FoV slider. It’s a basic feature. A quality of life improvement.

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Blockquote allowing people to configure their FIELD OF VISION, shadows, foliages, and other things - is just unfair and game breaking at some point.


Not allowing some people to play the game is?

To quote someone the other day

“If we’re going to go down the rabbit hole of settings == advantage, then I guess we should just all lock our resolutions and settings at the same values. Oh also make sure you only have a 17” screen. Wouldn’t want to put anybody at a disadvantage because their PC is from 2005.

It’s a silly argument used by silly players who are looking to blame any reason as to why players are better than them. "

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Said a guy, asking for an option that would allow people to see something that others dont see, just because he has a huge and wide monitor. We have enough of such ‘silly’ suggestions here on the forum, asking to add options to adjust sunlights, fog, shadows and other aspect that would allow people to play unfair by making their ‘very own configs’. I wouldnt wonder to see such people using macro in a shooter game, because you know, they have some hardware and their ‘need’ to make things better in their own play style.

Not allowing some people to just play the game isn’t fair either.

The game is free to play, anyone is allowed to play it – if he wants so.

To play the game comfortably.*

Sure, having an increased field of view compared to other players must be very comfy :smiley:

Having very low fov is very comfy to see targets that are very far away from You, it’s “unfair” advantage :wink:


Without options everyone is forced to play with same field of view and as results provides no advantage to anyone.

So according to You, the game is unfair right now, cuz FOV range is 70-90