Important changes after the second test

good fight dose not equal sweats ut means you dont steam roll one team but dont fell cheated if you lose

and tell me how is that achievable?

roflstomps happen usually cause

  1. there are too many console players in one team, while other team has mostly pc players
  2. there is sweaty stack on one team
  3. there are lot of bots in one team and lots of human players in other team

what would be the steps to fix that?

  1. remove crossplay
  2. remove stacks and have them move to customs
  3. fix MM (which merge should in part fix)

if you go on route of SBMM then you would need:

  1. somehow determine players skill level (ranks are not skill level)
  2. have equipment based MM
  3. have sub SBMM inside that equipment based MM

and you would get PvE cause most players wouldnt be able to find their skill counterpart on their equipment tier cause this game has small playerbase.

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“Dangerously fun to play” sounds quite tempting for me :smirk::smirk::smirk:

First i throw the whole merge plan out the window it will not help br is a bad idea as well. id ad third option to turn cross play off altogether so PlayStation and xbox players separate as in cross play connectivity problems are rampant and PlayStation has hack tool rep and pc is just not trustworthy i play with consul only just cause its less connection problems then with pc in mix.

I would also not load match till teams are formed and rendered and do a 5 second count after rendering for all is done before start of game play.

keep campaigns as is for match making maybe ad skill base into it so players will not get match with sweats unless they are sweats on have the skill to deal with them. make gray zone universal with no damage taken in them but weapon will not fire in them or just make them neutral and the same for both sides ie gray zone for one team is gray zone for the other and you have a death timer in also re map them as some actually trap you with how they placed.

toss out the tec tree and do a faction level that gains when you sue that faction on any map and unlocks in the level unlocks it for every map it can be used.

also, id put limit on some squads active at a time in match for some squad one active, Sniper, flamethrowers, mortar, MG squad, AT squad, and bomber. 2 bike, tank, engineer, fighter, assault, para trooper and radio. unlimited are riflemen and APC (i would keep apc as different from tanks assuming they are just hauling other troops or have squad of own that are rifle anything stronger would be make it limit 2)

This is all based on what i seen in live play on xbox

also, for those that just want the power fantasy I’d say a coop story mode that lets them compete for higher score over 4 or5 battles across one of the campaigns maps with some in game cut scenes for flavor.

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this is number of bots in campaigns without any rules MM that matches within ~2 minutes

now lets calculate average waiting time for a full match:

  • so on average you get ~31% bots getting into match on crossplay on
  • if you remove console players from here that % will go way up. lets add 10% on global level for absence of console players
  • now divide playerbase further by skill (you can use standard distribution in these kind of calculations). i will use 3 skill levels (i think you wanted way more), so it is low (16%), mid (68%), high(16%)
    Normal Distribution deviations
  • there are lots of campaigns where there is big difference in player ratio between sides

formula is (current waiting time)/((current human % per battle without console players)x(% of player for skill level))
2/(0.59x0.16)= 21.2 minutes for low and high skill queue
2/(0.59x0.68)= 4.98 minutes for mid skill queue

and cause of playerbase difference between sides in campaign anywhere between 15-90% of players of that campaign will be put into full bot lobbies

and then you still didnt fix imbalance in weapons cause if high skilled player from one campaign wants to start grinding new campaign, he will be put into high skill queue where he will need to wait for 20 minutes to get match where he has BA and enemy has end game gear.

do you know basic premise of SBMM? it is that everyone has access to same equipment (or at least at the same level) and campaigns fail that premise cause they allow BA vs AR and low level tanks vs high level ones.

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ok that was all gibberish to me i only graduated high school. But i will say i do chose to play consul only and would chose xbox only cause there is notable lag and bs in games being shot through brick walls before a i round corners, stuttering when flying causing the ground to jump up and hit you, tanks rubber banding 30 or more meter and other shit the systems are not built to interconnect, and it hurts game play

this is just quick math for SBMM queue times for 3 skill levels with current playerbase. if you introduce even more levels (like you wanted with ranks) that queue times would go way up. so imagine waiting 20 minutes in queue for a game that lasts ~20 minutes. yeah majority of players would have 5 minute wait time, but you would see big drop off from lowest and highest skilled players cause nobody will play game with 20 minute waiting time and then those in mid level will become new low and high level players with even more waiting time for all.

and like i said before basic premise of SBMM is equal equipment level. you cant measure someones skill when one player is using low level weapons/tanks/equipment and other player is using high level weapons/tanks/equipment. i mean you could under the conditions that both have choice of bringing exactly same loadout.

i killed a panther g in a t50 skill is easy to see

this is so idiotic on so many levels…

  1. it was custom map where you are allowed to flank cause of different gray zones (or lack of them)
  2. except tunisia almost any other campaign doesnt allow flanking when enemy camps in gray zone. there are certain exceptions in other campaigns for some maps, but most campaigns/maps force you in frontal confrontation where frontal armor and gun you have matters.

on consuls i cant change seting beyond pic what can be used and where

Having a functional rating system is important, but I don’t accept that you have to give up the option for desiered maps for that. Geting stuck with the same boring maps over and over again just because you have a certain rating is very dissapointing, if that happens I will stop playning the game! I barely get to play the maps I prefer now and with this system I will never get to play them… Also I only want to play maps with Gemany and USA, now I’m stuck with the Pacific maps and I hate them. This will be a dealbraker for me, no more Enlisted with this system!!!


T-28E has 6 crews, but the squad of T-28E right now only can be put by a maxium of 5 soliders.

lineup presets, where you can have multiple lineups of squads, that you can change with a press off an button. Like could have all tier 5 lineup, and then have s one with only tier 2 and 1, that is already equipped so I can just press one button to use it. You could also use the same piece of equipment on multiple soldier in different lineups. For instance lets say I buy one Molotov. I can put that Molotov on one of my guys in my tier 5 lineup, while having the same exact Molotov on one of the tier 2 lineup guys. So if you just change lineups it will have no problem. If you were for some reason to put 2 guys with the exact same piece of equipment to same lineup together the game would just say “you can’t do that. This piece of equipment will be removed from one of your soldiers” (sry of bad English. Not national speaker)

good idea lineup presets, where you can have multiple lineups of squads, that you can change with a press off an button. Like could have all tier 5 lineup, and then have s one with only tier 2 and 1, that is already equipped so I can just press one button to use it. You could also use the same piece of equipment on multiple soldier in different lineups. For instance lets say I buy one Molotov. I can put that Molotov on one of my guys in my tier 5 lineup, while having the same exact Molotov on one of the tier 2 lineup guys. So if you just change lineups it will have no problem. If you were for some reason to put 2 guys with the exact same piece of equipment to same lineup together the game would just say “you can’t do that. This piece of equipment will be removed from one of your soldiers” (sry of bad English. Not national speaker)

Since I made that comment I destroyed 40 tanks like that and Rambo has nothing to do with it if the tanks do not provide infantry support, he passes the lines of his troops, they are given away

Does the player rank have any weight in the new matchmaker system?