Imagine if #7 (making germany a better place#1)

Hello and welcome to My section in the forum “imagine if” where we are going to discuss if x thing is added, removed or reworked in the game.

today topic is about germany im gonna be honest this nation had became a challenge since the devs only focused in allies/ soviet weapons and vehicles and they also made that the player base only plays allied factions.

so i would like to heard all your ideas for making this nation better and balanced in terms of weapons/ players against the allies and the URRS

i´ll see your opinions below : )

also dont forget to suggest me the next topic for imagine if #8


Me 262

MG 42 with 250 ammo belt


Now you speak my language


You know maybe Germany wouldn’t be such a bad nation to play if they could just engineer a World War win. Lol

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basically the fact that the germans doesn´t have much proplayers who builds rallies makes the nation very weak

me 262 is good in some features ok? no completly broken but it would be a very good plane against br 5 and 4


gajin/df: bedt it will be a gold order and it will e l8

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by allied for a long time you meant USSR why
Germany US suffered from real, by that they had the most real world combat proven weapons
USSR is filled with prototypes meaning they can get the best of the best
US is only now getting those rare weapons like the stinger and T20 in numbers
but there tanks still largely suck
Germen 75’s can still largely pen anything at any angles while Shermans are wet farts

second German tanks still rule a Tiger/Panther in gray might as well be made of Mithril and gets a few tank kill and 30 to 90 infantry kills

and half the US player base would have loved to trade there M2;s for the German/USSR obsolete SF rifles

its just 6tthe bandwagon for a long time everyone played Germany now its USSR

I dont think so.
Ever tried to knock out a Sherman (BRIII) with your Pz. III N (BRII)? Absolutely no chance, even with HEAT. The slightest angle make it godlike. Only chance is hitting it from the side/back or maybe a lucky shot in the turret. Every nation has their flaws but also their tough stuff. My last battle (Tunesia, facing BRIII US/GB with my BRII gear) was one of the hardest since weeks. Somehow we managed to win, but it was close and all the Thompson and Garand spam was painfull while I only had MP40, MP40 silenced, Mannlichers and OG-43 (italian Paras). Before I forget: gg, well played enemy team!

I think every nation should have flaws and strengths. USSR is great when it comes to SMGs and semis while lacking good MGs and tanks in the early stage. Germany/italy has good tanks and nice early game stuff (MP40, Beretta M1) while the anti tank weapons suck in the early stage. US/GB has very powerfull planes and some overall fine firearms, but they begin to suck later on. On BRV every nation has some dope stuff.

Well Pz. III N was never supposed to be a anti tank vehicle to begin with, explosive filler makes it super strong, but Shermans simply can’t be penned by those low pen howitzers.

That’s why I have 5 vehicle slots for my BR2 setup:

Panzer III M
Stalingrad HEAT Panzer III N
Panzer III N
Second Puma

My premium Panzer III M is pretty OP for a BR2 vehicle, Pumas kinda suck but have incredible speed on roads and “can” fight off even KV1.

I try to use Panzer III with their great HE, but if I get matched against T34, Sherman and KV1 I will use my 50mm instead.

FG 42 II > Auto Default (or more preferred - give a setting to prefer Semi or Auto/Burst as Default that we can set our game settings).

FG 42 II > Improve Falloff so that damage at 100m is at least 12.5. This will make it more reliable at killing enemies at medium range (The same buff is needed for Type Hei Auto IMO … AVT 40 and T20 are both at this point and feel good).

Add Fw 190 A-3/U2 (Prototype)

  • These thing was designed with 6x WFR 21 Rockets

Add FW 190 F/G Series (The F and G Series were designed for ground attack)

  • Example: Fw 190 F-8 had 2x 20mm, 2 13mm, at ETC 501 (250kg) belly and 4 ETC 50’s on the wings.

I’m not one that is interested in jets entering the game, IMO the maps are too small for the speed in which they have and it would likely just end up being used as a guided missile more often than not.


Not really related to Germany but…
Stop making new auto rifles so ridiculously OP. The Type Hei and T20 and the BRIV super shield paratrooper rifle are dumb.
Every nation should get equal amount or at the very least close numbers of new stuff per content update… and maybe make more (free) content updates.


I personally think that BR5 should be the focus on balance, there should be some sort of base level of maximum performance that each factions gear should be balanced around.

Like there should be classes of weapons that follow balance rules.

Example being that at BR 5 each faction should have access to a jack of all trades gun - as in a classic assault rifle, with medium damage per shot and not too crazy dps as close range, but still having great power at medium to long range.

From this foundation we can add more diverse types of guns for BR5 as in:

Semi auto
select fire rifle

and then look how you would balance out these types of weapons so that they perform overall equal to the baseline of a BR5 Assaultrifle while having pros and cons to them.

Selectfire weapons compare perfectly well to assault rifles because they have smaller magazines, are harder to controll but down/kill in one shot instead.

But the other classes of weapons? I think they don’t shine in BR5.
Like why take a semi auto at BR5, when selectfire rifles deal the sane damage and perform often even better in semi auto?

Or why take a MG? Just for the magazine capacity? Well MGs have very bad reload speed, so there is already a great drawback to those guns, also MGs usually dont kill/down in one shot unlike selectfire weapons, so they are often obsolete anyways.

  • dispersion
  • movement speed penalty
    Yeah, MGs are as a class only really powerful on a bipod, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but that means that the “use case” in which a assault rifle gets outclassed by MGs is very specific. So its still better to simply use ARs instead. - which is the core of balance problems:

Why would you pick gun A, if gun B is 90% of the time the better option?

So what I am trying to say is balance has got to start somewhere, it needs a foundation from where you can compare other weapons to. I think BR5 is a great fundation, naturally, because most factions have a solid complete arsenal already.

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More commonwealth as well, the meteor will be a good add to go along with the me262