Imagine if#14 ( high br at guns)

hello and to My own section in the forum “imagine if” where we are going to discuss about if X thing is removed, added or rewored in the gam

It was mentioned that we are going to have different antitank guns for high br per faction. Which do You think that it Will be added as a High br cannon?

I’ll see your idea below : )

Also don’t forget to suggest me more ideas for future posts it Will be apreciated by me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


There is a 17pdr in the editor, so it will most likely be the high br at gun for the US.

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17 pounder for usa, pak 43 for germany, bs 3 for ussr. Dont know what japanese could get


Japan could receive one of their 75mm field guns like the Type 38, Type 90 or Type 95. Or alternatively one of their mountain guns such as the Type 94

All of them are too weak for high br.


I’ll take anything over the 47mm. I’ve heard a couple field guns had HEAT shells developed for them that could make them a bit more viable.

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There are actually few options.

Type 92 10 cm cannon,

Experimental High-Power 10 cm Cannon

Testing platform for Ho-Ri main gun(static mount).

Most of them doesn’t have much penetration. But there is one with 300 mm pen.

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Ah yes the type 41 was the one I was thinking of thank you. Personally I’d love to see either of the 10cm be added to Japan

90mm AA Gun but aimed at the ground

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I expected the flak 88 :’ (

Yes is an anti aircraft gun but it can deal with tanks too