Imagine if #13 ( vehicles/plane removed)

hello and to My own section in the forum “imagine if” where we are going to discuss about if X thing is removed, added or rewored in the gam

Yes i know what are You going to Say little rat… “It wILl MaKE T hE GAme BoRInG” but lets be honest that argument is not valid here, or well thats My opinion after all, i think that the Game should be mostly focused in infantery over vehicles.

But… Who cares about My personal opinion😅, Lets see yours, if vehicles gameplay is removed the Game Will improve? In some ways? Or it should kill the title “warthunder with infantery” and make the Game less interesting?

I’ll be waiting for your conclusions below ; )

Also don’t forget to give more ideas for next “imagine if” it Will be very apreciated by me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t use tanks or planes, because I suck at both, but removing them entirely wouldn’t make any sense to me. As someone else said in another post, Enlisted is a combined-arms battlefield. We need a bit of everything to make it interesting.

Personally, I think we just need more balance and less exploitation with vehicles.

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I would just quit the game.


Ye it kill the sense of the Game ngl personaly i Will be afected but the battlefield it Will feels…


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I wouldn’t be against seperate only infanty mode in customes tho.

I play infantry 80% of the time and I think removing vehicles makes the game boring. I wouldn’t even add it as a game mode, but only as a custom server at most. Although I do think high BR tanks do need a rework.

Particularly the King Tiger and Ho-Ri because those ones are the ones that annoy me the most

yeah, let’s remove the one thing that makes this game cool AF

vehicles just need some balancing (mainly improving terrible ass grayzones on most maps, punishing excessive suicides with planes, how wobbly buildable AT is, the fact tons of maps have super unfair spots where unkillable tank can just farm everyone until they get bombed because they are too far for handheld AT, there is nowhere but obvious spots to build AT guns so they get immediately blown up, opposing teams tanks being spawn camped)

I guess a cool idea would be to have some system that heavily incentivised infantry to protect tanks up front, so pushing up was no longer pointless suicide

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I think pretty much all the vehicles add color, variation and randomness to the game.

With the exception of airplanes. The more I play, the more I feel like they stand out as wildly different than everything else in the game.

Tanks were designed as infantry support. Planes, however, were not.

I mean, literally - tanks were designed for combat and for combined arms. Planes were designed to move humans through the air faster. (Then, eventually, of course, humans found ways to wage war with them.)

Yes, you can add planes in there as “combined arms” along with tanks and soldiers - and the Germans in Poland and France perfected it - however, I can’t help but feel like the ratio of how often planes show up in the game WILDLY out-distances how they impacted reality. (More on this at the end of this post.)

For instance, weather was a huge factor in planes impacting battlefield, yet, it doesn’t exist here. Planes can skim 30 feet off the ground, and that almost never happened in real life. Even the rank is weird. In real life, planes had, at the minimum, sergeants as pilots, and more typically, actual officers. Yet, the name of this game is “enlisted”.

Additionally, air power rarely actually took out tanks in WWII. There were no guided missiles and planes didn’t actually fly 50-100 feet off the ground.

“Considering the Germans lost around 1,500 tanks, tank destroyers and assault guns in the Normandy campaign, less than 7% were lost directly to air attack.”

Well, players who want to play vehicles can go to war thunder. Enlisyed is an ingantry game so screw vehicles.
Because making both infantry and vehicles euqaly important is stupid.

I think it would make the game boring tho lol

Vehicles offer unique problems for the infantry to solve, especially tanks. What tanks are present, where they position themselves, how they position themselves, etc. All these factors make each match feel unique and change the way you approach a problem. Do you mark the tank and wait for planes to take it out? Do you make an AT gun with your engi squad? Do you go tank-hunting, running behind enemy lines to take it out yourself? Do you jump in a tank yourself and have little 1v1? Do you drop smoke artillery on it to force it to move to another location? Or do you just avoid it’s line of sight, making your way to the objective, trying not to get killed? So many choices you could make in a single match. Not to mention when tanks get destroyed they change the shape of the map. They can be used as cover for the infantry, they can block roads for other vehicles, they can block trenches if they happen to get stuck in one, etc.

I get what you’re saying, whole matches seem to revolve around vehicles, when the game should revolve around infantry. This comes from a misguided impression that Enlisted is War Thunder but infantry, when it really isn’t. This game is about WW2 battles, and back then vehicles used to be HUGE force multipliers for an army that had them, so it makes sense that this is also the case for this game.

By removing vehicles you’d not only lose tanks, planes and trucks, you’d also have to get rid of squads that would become redundant such as AT squads. You’d also have to get rid of AT guns and AA guns.

In conclusion, removing vehicles would make this game quite a shallow and boring representation of WW2 (There’s also the fact that destroying enemy vehicles gives me the biggest dopamine boner, so there’s that)

Suggestion for next “Imagine if” (if it hadn’t been done already): What if Enlisted went more modern? Introducing Cold-War era guns, vehicles, maps, etc?

i bet the next imagine is gonna be something about ship (cant wait for that hot take or something)

also removing vehicle would make enlisted just cod but you have ai squad so it no better than what it is now

Everyone has a part of the game they enjoy playing the most. Up till the past couple months, my 2 1/2 years of playing have been almost all infantry. I think tank playing is boring, and I hate the grey zone rules so I hardly ever play tanks. In 727 German games played I actually have 710 German APC kills with my German level 3 APC /howitzer. This is “WITH NO GREY ZONE” protection. :rofl: For the most part, I only use it in my level 2-4 matches so not all my APC German kills are with it, and haven’t played those levels for the Germans in quite some time.

Up till about 2 months ago, I had never even attempted flying a plane in combat, and after half a dozen tries totally sucked with only a handful of kills. That was until I started playing with the German Stuka level 1-3 and figured out the timing of dive bombing, In only a few weeks have over 500 kills playing about 1/4 to 1/3 of the matches with it. When I am pissed about the shitty match making and being on the wrong end of an ass whooping, jumping in the plane is the only reason I don’t desert. I figure it’s less frustrating then being ground pummeled, and it gives me some practice time. Either way, the game would be far more boring without tanks and planes.

yea im practicing my carpet bombing skill but it make no sense to me ngl since if they do put some sort of anti crash stuff in the game i might be in trouble for city map (Ju188 is so nice but carpet bombing with it is kinda hard)

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I fly in high with the Stuka, then when I get to about 12.000 to 14,000 from the target I throttle down the engine and dive at a pretty steep dive shooting the machine guns until I drop the bombs. I get as close to the ground as I can and I just start pulling up when I release the bombs, and I dump them all with one pass. I do the same with my P51, which has a bigger bomb but kills decent if you can get your timing down.

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yea that what i usually do but in city map (like berlin) it kinda hard to do that in narrow place since it end up with me crashing into the building that why im practicing carpet bomber instead of dive bombing

wish we have bigger plane tbh carpet bombing would be much easier (and if they can make big mode to have big map might be fun)

I don’t think anybody thinks that after playing 20 battles.

I see people on these forums constantly refer to it as such, even people who’ve been here for a while.

Really? Then I need to pay more attention.

I want to play a war game not a counterterrorism operation