Imagine if #10 ( Br system rework)

Hello and welcome to My section in the forum “imagine if” where we are going to discuss if x thing is added, removed or reworked in the game.

Today topic is about the br system do You think it need a change? Actually the br system as i mentioned is completly broken being uptier all the time especially in br 3

If you are a person who consider br 3 as the Best one because it’s funny figth against br 4 and 5 i really like that expererencie but lets think like a newbie, You think that a newbie Will enjoy this without previous practice?

Honestly no i think they need the little space for practicing their habilities.

But thats My opinion XD

I’ll see your opinions below : )

Also don’t forget to suggest me more ideas im starting to run out of ideas : (

If people want BR3 against BR5, they can simply just put a StG in their active arsenal and have fun


Well there have been several ideas in this regard.

1st Just lock BR 3 to itself.
2nd Do BR 3 - 4, whilst BR 5 is locked to itself.

Honestly think the 1st variant is better, as it fullfills the idea of Mid War scenario much better. If not for the feel, then for it serving to make newbs adapt to the faster gun-play and playstyle that only ever gets faster the higher BR you go.

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(Looking at the level 2 submachine gun in my hand, the anti-tank launcher behind me, and the bunkers on the ground in front of me)
(Looking at those newcomers who have only completed 20 games and become the top 3 in the low-level environment)
I guess there’s no problem

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Yes. It needs to be removed and replaced with a system that makes sense

What do you think BR I and II are supposed to be? They’re the practice! Stay down there until you know what you’re doing, THEN move to High Tier matches


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Another problem is the fact that br system isnt explained well for new players.

Imagine a new steam player buying type hei lmg or winchester g30r and being sent to br 5 hell.

There should be a warning when buying any items of high br.

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True. To be fair I had many guns and higher tier soldiers with the original version until the big update and stuck in a limbo where i couldnt unlock newer guns in the tree wothout backfilling first, still doing it, as a BR2. Got BR4 sniper and hated it, sux, so dropped back to BR2 for the bolts and giggles and continued gun grinds. BR5 is just carnage isnt it!! Indeed it should be locked up on its own and not fed after midnight.

Personal opinion: BRI-II, BRIII-IV, BRV.

This seems to me the fairest system that allows newbies to play in similar games, veterans to play in higher tier matches without the kerbstomping, and the “Elites” to fight amongst themselves.


If we are indeed keeping BR this is what I would do:

Expand NPM (New Player Matchmaking) to the completion of Tier 1 (9/9)

  • Increase silver gain in NPM to better allow new players to try out new weaponry and adopt well equipped squads.

QOL for tech tree:

  • Tier 2 now only requires Tier 1 X/Y complete to begin
  • Tier 3 now only requires Tier 2 X/Y complete to begin
  • Tier 4 now only requires Tier 3 X/Y complete to begin
  • Tier 5 now only requires Tier 4 X/Y complete to begin
  • Improve TT foldering (folder more stuff to lessen the fluff)

Set BR to +1/-1 Hard Rule | Remove 1-3 / 3-5 BR MM entirely

  • Show average wait time for factions past hour (more people playing? more time to wait)
  • Set it so you can join more than 1 faction, but don’t have to join all faction’s queues (let me queue for 1, 2, 3, OR 4 factions)
  • Create ticket modifier for when using a lower br squad, so in a BR IV/V game … if you spawn say a BR I infantry unit, it won’t cost as many tickets to spawn. Add defensive ticket system.
  • [to give some for adding a ticket system] Defender Build Bonus: 2x Build speed on defensive structures (non-weapon emplacements) for first 30 seconds of an objective)
  • Add option to allow uptier of X BR’s regardless of what is equipped (so if I want to bring basic bolts to BR V I can just set this to allow uptier +4).

Defensive Ticket System

  • Defenders now have tickets, starting at 500 and will gain 125 tickets every 5 minutes for the duration of the game (reinforcement waves).
  • Helps balance the usage of the higher end vehicles in a game (as now vehicles of higher BR cost more tickets than of lower BR in the game).
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In this case attacker tickets should drain like 25% faster if we apply the defender ticket system

I love BR 3 right now. My games have been about 50/50 vs low and high.

Average Game is about 20 minutes …

So 500 + 125 + 125 + 125 + 125 = 1000

… maybe moving it to 750 start to account for offensive gaining tickets on objective capture is fair, but the main idea I think is good. Numbers are changeable.

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It’s a pity
This mechanic is not very useful (looking at the under-equipped group)

Don’t know what you mean

I think many people can always see players in high-level environments who only equip one level 3 weapon, but other weapons only have level 1 or 2 equipment (mainly hand-pulled rifles)
Such bad players are prevalent in high-level environments

Yeah, that’s why I’m saying we need to educate them and keep them in BR II where they belong until they have the skills necessary go into the sweat fest and win

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