Im tired boss...( There's no point to play GE)

Well at Gates of the end with just a couple of things to grind and finish GE i give up…

Im tired DF…just pls balance this Game

I’m not a wherebaoo or things like that but at this point DF just ruined everything what kind of Master troll movement is adding kv-2 to TT and another ppsh (which is superior to german variant)

“At least HS as a TT plane cmon don’t be bastards” and after all sounds fair cuz we got every single kind of rocket spam, and ship guns

Marder is not more than a simple joke and considering the new class it Will be almost useless

New Tommy is aviable for sovs and well the rest is history

And lets don’t talk paragraphs of all the rest of biased things cuz at this point it’s not going to be fixed… And it’s going to be Taken as a joke
My services to the fatherland had ended… And theres no hope anymore

Gonna be switching faction to urrs i just want to rest from all these piece of trash.



I really thought Axis would finally get that 100 round MG, welp this is a cheap update with reused assets. No one really got happy except for tank haters.
The only thing I can look forward to is the TT KV-2, I didn’t feel like buying it.


No hope at this point

GE diffinetly is doomed

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It’s just a useless meme tank.
We’ll just have to wait a month after the update and watch KV2 usage.

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I swear that is going to be a hell to deal with it since it can kill tigers experienced sweetlords gonna make the things complicated

IS-2 can kill tigers too, is it also hell?

KV-2 is easy to OHK due to the huge shells, I wouldn’t be worried about them, T-34 100s are much more effective at fighting Tigers.

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Well it’s a point

But i’m more worried of he power of the kv which is basically a 250kg per shot

What it takes 2 shots to frontally take out a KTH? Also it has a 35 reload at best, realistically it would be around 40 seconds plus no mg to gun down infantry as well

One panzerscherk and it’s free food it’s armor isn’t improved so stills being a easy target also the shells are bigger so ammor rack is more possible

I suggest you play US BR5 these days, maybe you will feel that Germany faction isn’t that bad.
Or you can just


Just drop down to BR II, there we seem to be rolling over the USSR teams with the PZ III N , MP-40s and MG-13. It feels like there nothing can stop the Blitzkrieg other than a BR III MM or a very good P-38 Pilot.

Will be considering this

But for at least 1 week i Will be playing with urrs

›I can’t smack it with my panzerfaust, long 75, short 75 heat, GRB, or TNT

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The short 75 on tanks and the GRB can’t see the kv-2 normally anyways

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The IIIN can if the KV2 is 3 or 4
And the III N can just smack it over and over with HEAT
Its what i do to KVs already
Otherwise I GRB or tnt them

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So its br IV and he’s complaining from what 3 or 4?
You won’t see it at II as @Rickyd123 said correcting me there

Don’t know what’s up with US teams. Like, almost every single round on US has good third of the team do something completely fucking useless like sit in spawn and call in bombing runs or run 250m off to the side and sit in a walled up building or insist on dropping mortars on empty ground or do LITERALLY ANYTHING but to play the fucking objective

And on top of that most of their gear is kinda dogshit

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