I'm sorry. but who asked for these new bikes?



well, Bren Carrier also got AT rifle, but rarely has a purpose.

except it has a bren gun which can be used and is far effective.

it’s not even it’s main selling point.

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true true, bren carrier is in the end a APC that is super easy to hide even inside buildings.
hm I dont know here, Bikes can be used as a “quick deployed MG” and be semi useful, I rather use them to get some fast rallies going at the flanks tho. PTRS might be interesting because its semi auto, but overall I feel skeptical about its actual usefulness.

To be fair, I am also one of the few that doesnt use his event 7.5cm Sdkfz APC as a tank, because APCs are more useful as APCs, despite me also claiming at the same time that 7.5 cm can still be very effective in BR5 because of how much HE it can pump into the enemy…

well guess I find myself quite often reflecting on these balance issues with my gut feeling, which isnt very much based on facts… so you might be right about this one, idk.

I think they should make the 251/9 into a tank because these halftracks never carried infantry. It’s the only mistake so they should correct it before they add more

Hm, okay maybe they were never supposed to be used as a full infantry transport - but to claim they never carried soldiers is kinda absurd, considering that even tanks carried infantry.

You know what I mean :smirk:

I’m talking about the core role. Otherwise every tank is basically an APC lol

Basic halftracks did ferry infantry. Halftracks that were uparmed and had specialized roles no longer. I don’t think squads can even fit or jump out of these


hm hm hm, maybe you got a good point.

I’m worried that premium squads are less useful than TT ones.

in tt squads i also use their engineer, radio operator and most importantly armor-piercer.

And the premium squad consists of an engineer and two stormtroopers (rider). And there is a big lack of a fighter with an anti-tank weapon.

and it worries me that new units are repeating this rule


if new squads they can change and add a AT gunner.
then the old premium units (ks 750 and WD big 4) will not change and will be inferior in efficiency.

And I thought the biker class was useless. Because in TT squads they can easily be replaced by other specialists.

I think we need to redesign this class to be an anti-armor fighter. Biker will become AT Gunner with stormtrooper weapons

Premium squads will receive two AT gunners. and TT squads will get an incentive to use this class.

More details in my proposal, but it is in Russian:

However, this idea will probably hinder the development of motorcycles into jeeps and gun trucks.

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very interesting.


i doubt older bikers will be reworked.

because as we saw with the chinese squads, the chinese squad is the only rifleman squad that can have an engineer and an anti tank class.
when we asked if said features could ( and tbf, should ) be available to other squads, we were told no.

so not so much hope.

i really hope for that though.

Imo it’s because old premium rifleman’s squad need be took away and modified, probably the issue is 9 man is the hard code soldiers limit and you can’t swap premium/event soldier or gun, it’s different with other premium/event squad where you can still add specialist because they still have slots for soldier

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That’s why I suggest changing the abilities of one class, rather than changing the composition of old squads.

perhaps technically it will be easier to implement than manually changing squad compositions


let’s create an issue and not solve the consequences.

i’m starting to see the pattern.

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Make a new identical squad but with specialist and give it for free to the owners of the original rifleman’s squad


you see, that’s too much work :smirk: ( :gun: )

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And free

make a mechanic with a free exchange of an old squad for a new one, so that there are no clone squads.

the player refuses the squad in exchange for a new (improved) one. we can sell squads from old campaigns for 10k silver.

Look is simple making the old squad Legacy and change it with the new one and let you keep the old one and the new one, as happened for the old Moscow premium squad already, than make new “mechanics”

It would be too bold and the developers wouldn’t agree to it for FREE.
We have a trash mechanic for squads, right?
We can tie a transfer to a squad upgrade to this mechanic of sell squad, for the same conditional 10,000 silver or more.

Or do as you said, but with one thing, like it was with Chauchat squad, so that at least the division numbers are different, otherwise it’s a sloppy job for an AAA game, by the way.