Im so fk tired of this lobbies

What is this??? Always the same. This is just a br 2 lobby.

There’s no SBMM in Enlisted
There’s no Rank Based either
There’s only equipment MM based on Battle Rating
As such, If one side has more players playing, they wait for anyone to queue against.
There are more casual players, then veteran/high playtime players
Rank does not mean skill, just time played

I can list reasons until we are black and blue in the face

Easiest solution is to hop on to the many discords or streams and queue with people instead of solo. That way you at least know you have a few people on your team.

Would be cool if there was a “find party” option in game though to facilitate that.

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The strat I have is if most of my team dips in the first 5 minutes of a match, I will to. That way the opponents are stuck fighting bots and the mm has less of them and typically I get a good match after leaving a horrid one. I’ve only had to dip three times in total so far, and man, those were some rancid sweat lords on the opposing team.