I'm sad now

I already whipped up a thread on this. This is moronic, and this is the few times I love bugs. I’m starting to regret spending a penny. So, if what they want to do is prevent spending on customization, I guess they got it.

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I’m starting to think that the Devs don’t want us to actually play and enjoy this game

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the 4th army that was supposed to relieve stalingrad had SS units

more precisely:

which still enters the realm of DF to add stuff as long existed in that time period ( but, with the ho-ri etc, you don’t even need an excuse )

so yeah.

even if there were no actual photos of ss camouflage inside stalingrad, it’s no exscuse for the sorry *** buggy cosmetic system that we have.

it’s not about what you like, or consider acceptable.

It’s exactly about that.

We all play games for our personal entertainment and pleasure.

So no peadot photos from Stalingrad, ok.


game would be good as dead it that would have been the case.

funny that you mention it:

but it’s completely fine. even if those were not there, still exited. after all, it’s just a game.

as it goes for the thread, the one shown above it’s one of many bugs of the customization.
and should be fixed weather you like it, or not.


Literally: everyone plays games to have a good time.
I have a better time when I don’t see peadot camo in Stalingrad.

How is this difficult?


So the less I see it the happier I am.

Why my taste hurts someone I have no idea.

does it really matter what you like or not under a comment highlighting the problems with customization?

you tell me.

it’s not about taste or " hurting ",

but the continueous of " nooooo it’s not historical " or " i don’t like ittt " it’s just a waste of everyone’s time.
because guess what, you have done it again and again in 3 years with little to no changes. this game won’t " uni-historically " it self for your own pleasure.

but keep at it i guess…
i’m sure you’ll be lucky next time.


You know it’s a forum right?

Where people express their opinions?

I see this as a feature and not a bug.
Or a bug that works fine for me.

If you can’t handle opinions other than yours/devs’, feel free to mute :person_shrugging:

never claimed otherwise.

few < majority

surely you can’t be this naive.

never did so, and never will.

but surely you must realize how dumb your own argument is being. right?

at no point, you even stopped your self and realizing the thing you are even saying?

nothing at all?


I’m gonna break it to you here but hold onto something:

Nobody cares about “majority”.

Everyone cares about their own experience.

I don’t like peadot in Stalingrad, and happy whenever it’s limited.
Deal with it.

It seems, I need to buy more of it for Stalingrad very soon. ;PP


The world is cruel. It may be wrong for the minority to obey the majority, but a better way cannot be found.
If you want your ideas to be adopted, you should try to present your suggestions in a way that is more acceptable to people. (Adding an HA mode would be great, considering that it does not affect existing casual players)

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Plot twist; I am hired by DF to make people buy ridiculous stuff to annoy me :thinking:

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:point_up: this

Explain your idea in a way everyone can understand it, is the best course of action for gather support inside the forum, even if something is unpopular if is well explained have more chance to be accepted by the community


All the ideas and proposals are structured here

And here

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I won’t stop using them in Stalingrad either, they are iconic for me. Reminds me of my favourite squad.

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Nope, i found a pic from SS in Stalingrad, and also an Osprey Publishing Uniformology reference, also; an Scale model reference.
yo Yeah… @ErikaKalkbrenner is right.


Dude, respectfully; no one asked you. You litteraly want to impose your liking. If no one minds about the minority, just pass by and let the minority speak about it. You are fine, we got it lol. But aside any hostilities, i assure you pea dot was present in Stalingrad


Like how?
I simply state that I like this particular bug/feature.

Then people get mad that I like something :person_shrugging:

That’s an interesting statement.

As stated above, I’m open to have my mind changed with actual substantiation.

Drawings and models obviously don’t count, but the photo in the middle is interesting.

Can’t check right now if that’s Stalingrad thought.

And yeah if anyone didn’t get it: I agree that customization system is broken, obviously.

I did almost 2 years ago