I'm ready



me too


Im not ready until



Hey. I like that one in WT. A bit of a derp eheh

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It’s all fun and games until it gets dicked by the… well, you know what :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Meh, the BA-11 will never meet Biggus Dickus. it’s toughest opponent might be the pz2…

We will see after the war thunder update :thinking:

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I kinda figured it would be low to mid br since it has such thin armor, but you’re probably right. We’ll see

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I’m not ready till they add T-V and Matilda Hedgehog to the game


and KV-IB/KW I C 756 (r) + Elefant + BM-31-12 + way more AA trucks/half tracks. They better make cross progression with premiums that will be shared between both WT and Enlisted so i could play them in Enlisted without paying 2nd time and play my Enlisted premiums in WT.


Maybe you rather mean BT-5 with rockets on the his back?

Wait, there is SU-76 in the game?
Why have I never seen it? (I know why.) It’s so cool vehicle! For me it’s basically a russian equivalent of the stug.

Premium in stalingrad

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Damn shame ppl need to spam those KV-1s and T-34s so I have never seen it.
Muh diversity.

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The fact that is premium dont help it either

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Just like stug.
Why df paywalls such iconic vehicles is beyond me. But at least we have [insert some BS prototype].

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The stalingrad stug is a progression tank after the merge, just wait another bit

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Are those things also in progression for everyone?

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Imo Should be because are not in the list of exclusive for stalingrad owner, @Euthymia07 you can confirm it?

Yes. All stalingrad items that weren’t in the list of removed items will be available in the tech tree.


if i unlocked the locked level will i get it in merge or do i have to grind it again?

Imo You need only purchase the veichle or gun, the level is already grinded