I'm opening a campaign to remove trash from conquest mode

Please remove this mode, it’s rubbish, it’s the worst game mode you could have invented.

Even if they tried hard to create garbage, they wouldn’t reach the level this mode.

Needless to say, what a waste of time and players this mode is, instead of putting 20 people in this mode, they could put them in something else.

It’s not fun, people don’t even know where to go, half of the soldiers and vehicles are useless, people play it reluctantly or quit. In short, this mode should go away. It’s a waste of exp cards, premium account and life time.

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I like it. It’s a fun diversion to Invasion or Destruction.

Different strokes for different folks.


Why do people hate Conquest so much, I don’t get it.

Is it a symptom on min-maxxing? Not enough XP to keep your dopamine deficiency at bay??

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I’d only want them expanded to 5 points like the ones in berlin.

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well now that train gone conquest is next huh? why are you all not against assault? eh whatever idc anymore

simply not enough action. i hate it cause i need to either wait for a long time on cap till enemy shows up, or i need to walk to another cap to find enemy.

there are few conquest maps that are made right like moscow manor where you are funneled to one cap, but lots of them are just shit cause they scatter people on whole map.

I like Assault too. In fact, I enjoy all the different battlemodes as they all bring something a little different to the game. Variety is the spice of life, and all that jazz.

Maybe I’m just easily pleased, or maybe it’s just because I’m a veteran gamer, I dunno. As long as I’m having fun in a game, I’m happy.

assault is shit cause you need to have attackers be much more skilled than defenders to actually have a chance of win. if you have somewhat similarly skilled teams assault is almost impossible to win.


It was better when the conquest matches were shorter. Now you have sometimes a silly amount of cap-and-forth in the games.

Now it’s less different to the others.

My main gripe is how it has lulls in the action. In Invasion, there’s 1 location on the map you KNOW everyone and their mother will be. There is no stopping the fight. It’s all right there
In Conquest (Domination), it’s all spread out. Some strays here. A dude there. Not as engaging. Most fun I’ve found is to take the enemy’s given objective, as most maps have 2 objectives on the fringes and easy to capture while one is in the middle to be fought over, and use it as a taunt. I’ve taken your objective. Come take it back. Sometimes it works and I get some good engagement and a solid kill count! Other times…the enemy team is just bad at the game and don’t come take it back. Lol. Mind you this was before the rework. Now I can get even larger kill counts when I get a good match going

It’s because it suffers the most from unbalanced matches. It lives and dies by rally points and so it devolves into egg hunt/build rally points. And if your team is dogshit and won’t build rallies… you’ll lose. And take stupidly long to do so - as people tend to just camp and do nothing, so you have to despondently run around hunting for enemy rally points, trying to cap and watch the minimap with most of your teammates not moving

Its just so ass

Assault is the IQ test gamemode?

Conquest is just difficult to control as a solo player. If you play at times where there aren’t many (conscious) humans on the team you are playing then it’s sort of a mess. Otherwise I like it a bit.

Confrontation is considerably worse